Just One More Time Ch. 03

Just One More Time Ch. 03 by Fish_Tales© Same deal as before - you really need to read parts 1 & 2 to understand what is going on here. They're not too long, so if you take the time, this will be all the more rewarding (hopefully!) You never know, he should really be calling the whole thing off, but if she keeps it up, then maybe he'll have to do it Just One More Time -- again!.... I welcome all the comments and votes I have received for the previous stories. Please feel free to keep it up and I promise to get back to you when I can. ***** Mr. and Mrs. Carson and his wife set the table while he got out of his suit. He hurried as he didn't want to hold everyone up. He changed into jeans and a t shirt and went back downstairs. The dining room table had been set up and there was a large steaming leg of lamb on one tray and potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and kumera on the other. "Come and sit down, Aston," his wife said. "I will, hon, but I was wondering what everyone would like to drink?" "I think a nice cabernet sauvignon would be in order, don't you think?" said Mr. Carson. "Excellent choice, Richard," said his wife. "Cabernet sauvignon would go well with the lamb." He went to the wine rack and pulled out a Jacobs Creek St. Hugo from Australia. He and his wife had bought a case of it when they were there in the summer and it was one of their favourites. "Good choice," said his wife. He uncorked the bottle and sat down at the table. The couples were sitting across from each other so he sat across from his wife and next to Mrs. Carson. He poured everyone some of the wine and then raised his glass in salute. "Thanks guys for a lovely dinner." They all clinked glasses and got into the serious business of eating. "So you were saying it's been really busy at work," his wife said. "Yes," he said. "It's end of financial year and we have to get the books done by the end of the week." His wife nodded. "I was talking to dad about it and I was saying how lucky it is mum works there otherwise I'd be really suspicious. You know, late nights and all." He felt a hand on his thigh. The table cloth was large so the others couldn't see it, but he felt it. Oh God, not again, he thought. Not that he didn't want it, but seriously, at the dinner table? With his wife? "Yes, dear," said Mrs. Carson, "Ashton doesn't have much chance to play around with me there watching him like a hawk." He nearly snorted the wine out of his nose, but he managed to nod. "Oh, Elaine, how unfortunate for Ashton that you are there all day," said Mr. Carson, "But I guess he is married to Jennifer and we wouldn't want to see anything untoward going on." He winked at Mrs. Carson. She winked back, but her hand was now sitting in his lap and she gave his cock a squeeze through the jeans he was wearing. "Not that I think he would do anything," said Jennifer. "Would you?" "No dear," he said, "I love you too much for that." Mrs. Carson was now rubbing his crotch very gently and he already had a hard on. He was trying to shift himself discretely in his seat, but the efforts were proving futile. Just when he thought he'd made some room for a place to "park" his erection, Mrs. Carson's digital ministrations would make it grow larger and he was again shifting in his seat. "Is everything ok, Ashton?" asked Jennifer. "Yes hon," he lied. Mrs. Carson looked across at her daughter. "I think Ashton is just concerned about the call he's going to get from San Francisco. Isn't that right?" She looked across at him innocently while continuing to squeeze and caress his cock under the table. He had no call from San Francisco coming that he knew of. The knowledge that she must be planning something, coupled with the fact that her hand was playing around in his crotch, made his cock twitch in his jeans. You've got to be kidding me, he thought. Not again. But at least it would be the end. The last time. He couldn't do this again, especially right here in the same house as his wife and father in law. It just wasn't right. Enjoy it, Mrs. Carson, because you won't be getting it again. After this time. Promise. That's it. The thought made him relax. Rather, his mind relaxed, but his cock got harder, if that was possible. Her hand was now stroking a little more vigorously. It was still well disguised, but for him there was no mistaking what was happening down there. All the while, she sat there smiling, drinking wine and chatting. She wasn't eating much. He figured it must be difficult to cut your lamb when one hand is on your son in law's cock. If she liked cock so much, maybe they should have cooked chicken.... His mind was brought back from drifting by the sound of his phone ringing. He got up from the table and picked it up from the kitchen bench and looked at the screen. It was her number. "Hello," he said to no one. "Hang on a sec, I'm just having dinner. Let me go into another room." How did she do that? She wiped her mouth daintily and got up. "Don't worry, Ashton, I'll go get the files from the car and we can work it out in the study," she said. She turned to the others and said, "Don't worry, keep eating, it shouldn't take long. I'll make sure they don't take up too much of his time as it's grossly unfair to call him at this time." He looked sheepishly to his wife and went up the stairs to his study. Thirty seconds later she followed him in. He put the phone down on the desk and looked at her just as she was closing the door. She flipped the lock and then turned around. She licked her lips as she wordlessly looked at him. She looked like a lioness. A fucking hot looking lioness. He was the prey. Willing prey. This time. One more time would be ok. It was over tomorrow. It wouldn't happen again. May as well enjoy it. He couldn't believe it, but the front of his underwear already felt moist from the pre cum oozing out of the end of his cock. She walked over slowly. To her prey. He sat with his arse on the edge of the desk. She smiled at him and slowly knelt down in front of him. Her hands reached out to the top button of his jeans and released it. Then she trailed her fingers a few times up and down the outside of his jeans. "If you love something, then set it free," she said. She pulled his zipper down and slowly moved his jeans and underwear down to the bottom of his thighs. His cock popped out, the end glistening with pre cum. "There," she said, grabbing hold of his shaft gently and looking up. "I love this, and now it's free, emancipated if you will." Enjoy it now, he thought, because tomorrow it would be over. He looked at the clock above the door. She noticed. "I know you have to eat your dinner," she said in a husky voice, "so I'll be quick with mine." Her tongue flicked out and licked the slick head of his cock. It was almost unbearable as she worked the end of her tongue into the end of his piss hole. He had to place his hands on the desk behind him. She licked along the bottom of his shaft, her warm tongue drifting along until it was massaging his nuts. His balls danced on the end of her swirling tongue, until they too were covered in her warm, slick saliva. "Shit," was all he could say. She slowly took the head of his cock into her mouth and worked her tongue around the head. The pre cum mixed with her saliva to lubricate the head. She braced herself by placing her hands on his thighs and then began to slowly engulf his cock into her mouth. "Oh, God," he said, trying to be quiet. He braced his arse against the edge of the desk and placed his hands on either side of her head. He was going to miss this, but it was the way it had to be. It was over. Didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it now though. "Jeeessh," was the only sound he made as a rush of air passed through his lips. He pushed her head further down on to his cock. He bucked and hit the back of her throat, but with his next thrust, he went straight past her tonsils and into her throat. "Fuck me, Mrs. Carson," he said. She looked up him, his hands full of her blond hair and winked. Then she gave him a light a light slap. "Oh sorry...fuck that's good...Mrs....I mean, Elaine." When she was sucking cock, she wanted to be called Elaine. He was a good son in law. He aimed to please.... "I'm not sure I'm going to last much longer," he whimpered. She took one of her hands and cupped his bulls. Those warm, soft hands.... She trailed her fingers upwards, under his balls and towards his puckered sphincter. Her fingers ran lightly around his hole as her head continued to bob up and down on his cock. She was taking him down her throat easily. Every time she came up, her tongue ran along the bottom of his cock. He watched her bobbing up and down, his cock covered in spit, pre cum and smeared in red lipstick. She poked her finger more insistently at his hole. "Oooh, eeee,....," he moaned. She took her head off his cock momentarily, but continued pleasuring him with her hand. She gripped his shaft and pumped slowly. The slickness of all the different juices and the lipstick made her hand fell like velvet. She rubbed the top of her thumb over his glans, the pre cum sticking to her finger. His cock began to swell and twitch. "Oh no you don't," she said softly. "I want this one over my face." He looked down at her. His breathing was ragged and she was rubbing his cock more slowly. She gently took just the end of his head between her lips. "Er, I'm not sure....we ....might make.... a mess," he finally got out. She shook her head. "No you won't, you're a good boy. Don't be messy....watch the hair." He looked down at her and she lifted her chin slightly to present her face to him. Her eyes said: wouldn't you like to spray your hot cum all over this face? His eyes said: yes, for fucking sure! She winked at him. "And watch my clothes, we don't want to have to explain milk stains when we go downstairs." Then she dropped her head and took him all the way into her mouth and down her throat. She bobbed quickly a few times and then took her mouth from him and began to pump his cock with more urgency. As she felt his cock begin to twitch, she poked her index finger into his arse up to the first knuckle. He looked down at her face, tilted upwards with her mouth open. It was too much for him. His head fell backwards as his body arched and he thrust his cock into her wet fist. "Aaarggh, geeez....I'm gonna shoot......" He shot the first large ribbon of warm cum directly into her face, splattering her cheeks and nose. The next load hit her forehead. He couldn't help looking down at her, watching his mother in law take his load on her face. As the spurts became progressively smaller, she placed her face closer and licked her lips to ready them for the next load. She directed his cock towards her mouth so that she could get the final few spurts and she swallowed it all. Finally, he was exhausted of cum and he relaxed against the desk. He felt her warm mouth continue to work on his cock. She licked the shaft clean of all the juices and then she took him in her mouth and sucked on him gently to clean the end of his cock. He was still semi hard. She smiled up at him. "Oh dear," she said, "it looks like you're still ready for more. Unfortunately, even though I've just had my dinner, we better get back so that you can have yours." She extended her hand and he helped her up. "I hope you can manage with your pants as I have some cleaning up to do," she said, flashing him a wicked smile. "Now, be a dear and pass me some tissues from your desk. I'm sure you'll understand, but I need to go to the bathroom to powder my nose." She walked to the study door, unlocked it and made her way to the bathroom. He checked himself. She had done a marvellous job of cleaning him up. If only he could get such tongue baths all the time. But he wouldn't. Because this had to stop. There was absolutely no way this could happen again. Ever. He went downstairs and he couldn't believe it when Mrs. Carson followed him only a minute later. She looked immaculate. Not a hair out of place. Her lipstick was perfectly applied even though minutes ago his cock had been streaked in red. His wife and father in law looked up as they re-seated themselves. "That was almost fifteen minutes," his wife said. "Don't they know you're allowed to have dinner with your family?" "Sorry, hon," he said, "I am the CEO after all and they needed some clarification on...." "Accounts," Mrs Carson said, saving him. "They needed some clarification as the global accounts are spread over a number of financial institutions." "Yep," he said. "It was my fault," she continued, "I was called this afternoon so that he could get some information ready. I forgot about it because I had my hands full and was juggling a few different balls." He gulped and nearly dropped piece of roast from his fork. She said it all with a straight face. The face that he'd just been fucking. The face that could engulf his cock and make him cum within minutes. "Oh, it doesn't matter," he said, "it's all sorted now. I just want to eat dinner and relax." "Is everything going ok with work," his wife persisted, "we could hear raised voices up there. You're not in any trouble?" she said. He knew what his wife was really worried about. She really meant: I hope this high paying job is not under threat because I'm used to the money now. "No, not at all, darling," Mrs. Carson jumped in, "He just had to make sure the accounts are in order and things got a little heated." "Yep," he said, "and your mum is helping me with that." She smiled at everyone as she took a small piece of meat from her plate. She very slowly put the fork in her mouth, leaving it there for a few seconds. She slowly chewed the small piece and swallowed. Ashton wondered how she got away with this shit. She was the smartest woman he knew. And the sexiest. He should have married her, not her daughter. But she was sixty years old. Too late. Anyway. It wouldn't be happening any more. No point speculating. It was over. That was their last encounter. Ever. "Well, it seems lucky mum is helping you shoot these issues down," his wife said. Did she just say shoot? At least it was issues she was talking about, not Mrs. Carson's face. He couldn't handle this. His nerve was going to fail him. "Don't you worry," she said to her eating companions, "I'll always make sure that Ashton continues to make his deposits in the right areas."

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