Life with My Step-Daughter Ch. 04

Life with My Step-Daughter Ch. 04 byherdad© This is the continuing story of my life with my step-daughter. While every chapter stands alone. To enjoy it though, the previous chapters should be read. * By the time Beth and Liz returned home from the doctor's appointment, I was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on our supper. When they came in the door there was instant look of shock on their faces. Not because I was making supper. That was quite normal. Beth was usually extremely tired by that time of day and it was a simple act of saying that I loved her. What shocked them was that I was dressed. For the last two plus years whenever I was in the house, I was in a bath robe and nothing else. That night I had on sweat pants and a tee shirt. Liz kept looking waiting for me to say something, but I just kept my eyes on the stove and began dishing up our plates. Beth finally broke the silence and asked me if everything was OK. I just made a stupid comment of wanting to wear clothes for a change. I couldn't quite tell them that Liz's friend Eve had just fucked the shit out of me and made a video of it. For three days I wore clothes around the house waiting for Eve to appear in our living room with a video in her hand. My mind raced wondering what kind of plans she had in store. Would I become her permanent ass-licking fucking boy toy? Or would she show Liz what I did to her bra and thong? Or would she show no mercy and show Beth? For three days my stomach was in knots wondering when the axe would fall and I'd be out the door. Whatever would happen I figured I'd have a better chance of explaining it all if I was dressed. By the third night I had reached a point of acceptance. There was nothing I could do except wait. The worrying was driving me crazy and the whole house was on edge. But that night, I said screw it, it was time to just live for today whatever would happen was out of control. I began to relax for the first time since Eve walked out our front door with a video of her fucking my ass. Beth and I sat in our recliners watching TV, when the front door open and Eve walked in. "Hi Mom." Then with a wink, "Hi Dad." Beth asked her where she had been since we hadn't seen her in awhile. I sat in the chair, scared to move and scared to talk. Finally, Beth asked her what she was up too and Eve said she recorded an awesome video which she wanted to share with Liz. My mind raced thinking this was the end. Beth told her Liz was in her room and Eve started heading that way. I got out of the chair quickly and volunteered to get Beth a cup of coffee. With a quick walk, I had hoped to catch Eve in the kitchen before she had got to Liz. As I rounded the corner, Eve was sitting at the kitchen table with a big smile. "Boy old man do you look stupid in clothes. I thought you always wore a bath robe, but you do look kind of sexy in a bra and thong." On the table was the DVD. I begged her not to show Liz. She told me to relax she was just returning it. She went on to say it had served its purpose and she had no further need of it. I asked her if anyone had seen it. She said one person watched it with her, but she wouldn't say who it was. And told me not to worry. She promised not to tell Beth or Liz. And she also promised that her boyfriend wouldn't tell anyone either. Boyfriend? I had never seen her with any guys. And after the way she controlled me I kind of felt sorry for him. As she stood up and headed towards Liz's room she gave me the DVD and told me to relax it was over. And as she walked away from me she told me to go get on my bath robe, that I didn't look right in clothes. I grabbed the video and it felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders. I went to our bedroom and hid it in my dresser. And yes, I stripped out of those confining clothes and threw on my bath robe. I went back to the living room with Beth's coffee and all she said was "Welcome back." About a half hour later Eve left and gave me another wink. Relieved to have the video in my possession all I could think about was who could be her boyfriend? The next day, my life was back to "normal." My quest to see Liz nude was back to being a top priority. But anymore Liz's top priority was partying. She was really lucky to have graduated from high school. Those last three months she missed a lot of school. And it started to affect her private life as well. The way she was burning the candle at both ends it was only a matter of time that she would lose her job. It was only a part-time job but it gave her the freedom to come and go as she wished. But now she was at the mercy of others to give her money. I made a deal with her. If she'd wash dishes a couple of times a week and do some laundry and vacuum the rugs every now and then I would help her out. She thanked me and things were going along pretty well for a couple of weeks. Then her boyfriends and partying got in the way of earning some money. I kept telling her that I wouldn't just give her money to make her happy. She needed to earn it. So she tried something so different and potentially dangerous to her. She began having contact with her birth dad. Larry only lived a couple of blocks from us but had very little to do with his daughter. In fact, she was kind of scared of him. Larry is an alcoholic who can get pretty crude around women and that includes his daughter. One night at a family celebration he got drunk and trapped Liz in the bathroom. He felt her beautiful boobs, pinched her ass, and forced his tongue in her mouth. So it kind of shocked me when she started going up to his house. She'd venture up there wearing her short shorts and either a flimsy top or a halter top. She would go to his house and come back about a half hour later with some cash. One day she started calling him in the early afternoon and tried every hour to get a hold of him with no luck. She finally came into my home office. She stood in the doorway as I was playing on the computer. She begged me for some money so she could go out that night. I told her if she did some dishes first then I would give her cash. "But Dad, Jimmy will be here in a half hour and I still need to get dressed." I told her, "Alright, I'll give you some money, but you need to be totally honest with me and tell me what you do to get money from your dad." She stood in the door way, wearing her shorts and a very loose and low cut yellow top. She looked hot. The yellow top really showed off her tan. Anyway she agreed. She told me that if she can get to her dad's before he gets to drunk she can get money from him every time by getting him beer from the refrigerator and just talking to him. I said, "Bullshit, you're doing more then just talking and getting him a beer." She said, "Alright, watch and I'll show you what I do." She turned away from the door so I was looking at her backside. As she was faced in the hallway she asked me to imagine the wall was the refrigerator. She had me imagine that she opened the door and she leaned in to get a beer. She didn't bend her legs and as she leaned forward, her shorts crept up into her crotch. I could see her beautiful pussy lips on both sides of her thong. She kept leaning forward and as she held the imaginary door with one hand her other hand reached behind her and she placed it on her butt. She then said that at this time she'd ask her dad if he had any snacks in there or a soda. My eyes were glued to this wondrous sight and I stuck my hand inside my bath robe and began playing with my hardening cock. As she started to turn back towards me, I removed my hand and just sat there with my mouth open. She kind of giggled and told me that I had the same expression as her dad. She went on to show me that when she brings him the beer, she leans over him so he can look down her shirt. This is what I was doing. As she leaned over she laughed, pointing at my crotch as my hard-on had pushed its way through my bath robe. "That happens to my dad too. And when it does he throws me some money and I leave. Then I guess he masturbates." With her last comment I repositioned myself and put my cock away. I asked her if she was afraid of something more happening - something she couldn't stop?" Liz said, "Oh no, you see I have a secret weapon on him. I could just blackmail him but this is so much more fun." I asked her what she meant by that. She shared with me the story of how Eve got into her dad's pants. Liz told me that Eve brought him some beer and they watched a video of a guy getting fucked by a girl. "My Dad starts laughing when he realizes he knows the guy." Oh my God, Eve showed him the video of her fucking me. I ask her how can she be blackmailing him with that? Liz goes on to say that as they're watching it, Eve pulls down his pants and begins playing with him. After a few more beers she has him nude and instead of her playing with him, he's playing with himself. "He is half drunk and horny, so Eve asks if he'd be willing to try out what they're doing on the screen. He strips nude and Eve puts on a strap-on." She pauses for a minute and her eyes look down, as my cock once again peers through my bath robe. She smiles as I cover back up and ask her to continue the story. She tells me that Larry spends quite a bit of time oiling up her rubber cock. Then she has him play with his ass. Eventually, he works three fingers in his butt before she sticks the dildo in him. I asked Liz again, how she could be blackmailing him, because to me, it was just two adults having fun. "Oh I didn't tell you daddy? Eve was smart enough to make a video of it all and she gave it to me." My thoughts changed to Eve and how brilliant this young lady was. She had fucked both of Liz's dad's in the ass and had made videos of both of them. Once again my cock poked through my bath robe. And once again I covered up. I reached in the drawer to the side of the computer and got some cash for Liz and handed it to her. "Just like my dad, give me money to get rid of me, so you can jack-off." I laughed and said "You're probably right!" She left the room to see how her mom was doing and I began playing with myself. She came back in the room and said that mom was asleep and she'd give me the money back if she could watch me jerk-off. I didn't need to think about this request. I stood up and took off my bathrobe and for a second time I stood before my step-daughter entirely nude and quite hard. I sat back in the chair, reached in another drawer for some baby oil and faced her as I began playing with myself. My attention went from prepping my cock to staring at Liz. I began going to town as my hand went faster and faster up and down my shaft. As I stared at Liz, I watched as her eyes would meet mine and then go back to looking at my cock. She asked me what I was thinking about. I told her I was jacking-off to her. That I was stripping her with my eyes and seeing that beautiful small body entirely nude. She gave a nervous giggle and said, "Not today." I was going faster and was close to the point of no return when I asked, "Someday?" After a pause, she said, "Maybe." Liz didn't shoot me down, instead she said "maybe." There was a possibility that I could get her nude. With that thought I shot my load all over my chest and stomach and my hand movements slowed down. Liz came closer to me and grabbed a couple of tissues that were next to the computer screen and began cleaning up the cum on my body. And for the first time, she touched my cock as she cleaned the final dribbles of cum from my pee hole. As she was lovingly cleaning me up I was enjoying the view down her shirt. She finally got it all and stood back in the doorway. I continued to stare at her. Me in the chair nude and her in her loose fitting clothes. She handed me back the money I had just given her and I told her to keep it. "I told her it was worth it and someday soon maybe we can do it again." "Thanks dad," was all she said as she headed towards her bedroom. She changed her clothes and within 10 minutes she stood in the doorway telling me she was going out. With a smile, she asked me if I was going to put my bath robe back on. Still nude from our little episode I asked her why. "Mom is sleeping and you've seen it all so there is no reason for me to be shy." She leaned into me, gave me a hug, and said, "I love you and I'll see you later." She left the room and I could hear her walking through the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room and out the door. I sat there nude thinking of the great possibilities that lied ahead. The rest of the evening I was in a daze. I made supper for Beth and I and we ate in the living room watching TV. I can't say it enough how much I love my wife and I wish we could bring back the days of our early time together, before illness stole her from me. As usual Beth fell asleep early and I finished watching the rest of our show. After it was over, I covered up with her blanket and gave her a peck on the forehead and headed to bed. I put in a video of younger gals fucking older guys and kept having a flash back to the events that had transpired earlier in the day. I grabbed my cock with one hand and my balls with the other, still dreaming of spending some time with my step-daughter. I tried to go slow and enjoy the slide show going on in my head of Liz bending over and showing me her tits. And how she bent over showing me the crack of her ass and massaging her butt. But I couldn't do it. I began jacking off with the thought of fucking Liz as hard as I could. I was really enjoying myself when there was a knock on the bedroom door. I slipped under the blankets and stopped the video and asked, "Yeah?" "It's me dad, can I come in?" Of course she can come in! Again though all I could say was, "Yeah." The door opened and she sat on the edge of the bed. If it wasn't for the blanket our hips would be touching. She thanked me again for the money and the great show I had given her earlier in the day. She thought about it all night and couldn't enjoy her time with Jimmy, instead she wanted to be home with me. She told me how she felt sorry for me because she knew Beth couldn't give me any relief. She went on to say that she loved her mom very much and would never hurt her, but she also loved me and wanted to help me anyway she could. When she was done talking she pulled down the bed sheet and grabbed hold of my cock. "I was in a hurry earlier, but I'm home now and I want to help you relax." As she was talking, she kept stroking my cock and had me hard once again. When she finished talking she bowed her head down and stuck her mouth on my cock. She slowly began going up and down on it. I thought this had to be a dream. My step-daughter Liz, who I always fantasized about seeing nude was sucking my cock. She was still dressed but she was helping her dad to relax. I pushed her hair out of the way and watched her lovingly give me a blowjob. This was the only part of her I'd touch. I didn't want this to end and I most certainly didn't want to destroy any future plans by grabbing her boob or her butt. My ass began bouncing off the bed, jamming my cock further in her mouth. Since this was my first blow job from her and I knew I would want more, I told her I was ready to cum. I gave her the option of finishing me off in her mouth or with her hand. But she just kept sucking until I finally exploded in her mouth. As I began to calm down, Liz gave my pecker one final kiss and then came up to my lips and kissed me. She spit my cum in my mouth in my mouth and I swallowed it all, much to her approval. She gave me a hug and told me that she loved me and she went to her bedroom. I still hadn't seen her nude, but she had just given me a wonderful blowjob and now I was excited to see what tomorrow would bring.

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