Sharon Ch. 01

Sharon Ch. 01 byJerseyJohn© To this day I still remember when Sharon moved into the neighborhood. I was 19 about to turn 20 when I walked out my font door that unseasonably warm May morning back in '94 and saw that moving van at the house next door. Naturally I was curious who would be moving into the neighborhood, so the first question I had on my mind was if they had a daughter my age and if she was cute. I stood in my parent's front yard, slowly making my way to the garbage cans with a bag from the kitchen in my hands, as I tried my best not to look like I was staring at the group of movers entering and exiting the house like ants in a colony. When I finally threw the garbage out, after a good 10 minutes of slow walking (which normally only takes 3 minutes at a normal pace), I made my way back to the front door at the same slow pace constantly glancing at the house next door in the hopes of seeing who would be my family's new neighbor. By the time I reached my font porch I had figured I wouldn't be getting my answer today, and that's when I saw her emerge from the front door in a pair of loose fitting jeans that hung at her hips and a t-shirt that just seemed to drape itself over her upper body. Never before in my life had a woman stopped me in my tracks like she had. Being a 19 year old guy my head was naturally on a constant swivel in search of girls, and there were plenty that had slowed my pace as I watched them walk past me. This woman, however, pulled the handle on my emergency brake and I almost tripped on the first step of the porch. She had her chestnut brown hair up in a ponytail obviously to keep it out of her face while she was unpacking; what she unknowingly did was show off her slender, aquiline neck. The gentle sway of her hips as she walked to her car were hypnotic as they seemed to move to the rhythm of some internal soundtrack that played only for her. Her breasts had a delicious bounce to them that I could see even from this distance, and when she bent over to retrieve a box from her back seat her jeans slipped down past her hips revealing a green thong that signaled like a neon arrow 'Further down is Paradise'. She didn't look like a lot of the girls I went to school with or that were on the boardwalk down by the beach, big breasts but no hips or ass, a clumsy walk because they still weren't used to the new shape of their bodies; no, she moved with a grace that made every curve of her seem like poetry in motion. She was all poise and voluptuousness... she made me realize this was the way a woman should look. I didn't want to move from this spot and lose sight of this goddess for fear that I may never see something as beautiful again. How long I was glued there I still have no idea, and probably didn't care. It was like being in a meditative state with nirvana only a short distance away. Unfortunately, I was jolted back to reality in one of the harshest manners I know, the sound of my father's voice. "Hey! Does it normally take a half-hour to throw out a bag of garbage?" he said opening the screen door. I jumped at the sound of his voice and my head snapped in the direction of the front door. "Uh... sorry... I was... I was, uh.... just...," I stuttered trying to formulate an excuse as I was uncontrollably looking back in the direction of "heaven". "You were just what?" he said as he looked in the direction that I kept turning. "Oh! Oh, I see!" He looked at me and smiled in amusement making me blush and grin like an idiot. "Very nice," he said looking back at her. As he turned back to me his smile turned from amusement to deviousness. "Let's go and introduce ourselves." I thought my heart had stopped as a feeling of momentary panic overwhelmed me. "No, Dad, we can't...." "We can't what? Be neighborly? Where's your manners?" he asked having fun with my embarrassment. Perhaps it's time that I also tell you that I can be very shy when it comes to a girl or a woman who I think is out of my league. That's not to say that I was some kind of dork around the opposite sex. I was and am very good at flirting and can be quite charming, if I do say so myself. And while I wasn't a jock with the "V" shaped torso and a body that was cut and defined, I was in great shape at 19. But, this wasn't an 18 or 19 year old chick, this was a woman who just seemed to exude sexiness and confidence. "Well, didn't Mom want us to get to work cleaning out the garage? We should probably get started or she's gonna get pissed," I tried to reason with him, but it just came out as a pathetic form of pleading. "No, your mother would want us to introduce ourselves as good neighbors," he said jumping at my uneasiness. My father was a huge prankster and was the kind of person that if he found something that would embarrass you he'd harp on it for all it was worth. "Dad, I'm sure she'd want us to get to work, she's been asking us to get this done since the weather got warm," I said, trying to sound as rational as I could. "It'll only take a minute to go—" "To go where?" my mother said walking out the front door. "It'd better be into the garage, John," she warned him. "I am going to get to it today, hon, I promised you, and I will keep my word. But, your son here, noticed we have a new neighbor and is being rude by not introducing himself," my Dad said motioning next door. My mom looked around the front porch pillar and saw the cause of my flustered state and than looked back at me. My forehead was saturated with nervous sweat, even though it wasn't that hot out. "Is this what took him so long to throw out the garbage?" she asked looking over at my Dad. "Mmm Hmmm," he said with a nod and an evil smile. My mom rolled her eyes and sighed. Having been the one who was around more through my teenage years, since my dad worked a lot during the week, she knew how shy I could get. "Oh, leave him alone, John. Besides, you two need to get to work, now," she said. The wave of panic that had swept over me was starting to subside. My mom glanced at me from the corner of her eye and smirked slightly. Once she put her foot down on a project for me and my dad there was no getting out of it. She knew how much I owed her for this. ***** It had been a week since Venus (that's what I had come to call her, since I didn't know her name) had swept in to take my breath away. For days I had stolen glimpses of her as I went outside to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, or walk my dog. In fact, it's thanks to Shadow, my dog, that I got the chance to meet her. Shadow's an old dog of about 15, the fur on his snout had turned grey and while he was still in good condition, he just didn't move as fast as he used to. He had grown to the point that I didn't need a leash to walk him as he stayed by my side without any commands. We were coming down the street from his afternoon walk and were passing by "Venus'" house. She was outside on her hands and knees in front of her front planter cleaning out the dead leaves and pine needles that had accumulated there over the winter months. She must have been down there a while because when she stood up she leaned back as far as she could to stretch. She was in a pair of black jersey knit shorts and a plain form fitting red t-shirt that just accentuated her breasts as she stretched back, which had to be at least C-cups, or as I called them, perfect handfuls. Now, since I had raised Shadow from a pup he had come to recognize my mannerisms and responded to them. He could simply tell if I thought someone was friendly or unfriendly just from my reactions, and he must have thought "Venus" was someone I thought was friendly because he decided to just trot on over and say hello. I was again half in a daze and hadn't noticed Shadow had walked over to her until he was half-way across her front yard. "Oh shit," I muttered and started after him, but it was too late. "Venus" noticed him, tail wagging and panting as he stopped and sat down in front of her. "Well, hello, boy. Who are you and where did you come from?" she said with a curious giggle. Even her voice sounded like music to me as each word rolled past her beautiful lips. She crouched down to pet him and scratch him behind his ears. Yeah, there was no way Shadow was leaving her now. "Sorry, he doesn't normally do that," I said walking across her overgrown lawn. "Do what, be the first to introduce himself to a new neighbor?" she asked with a smile. "You live next door, right?" "Yeah," I said. I wanted to follow that up with something witty like, 'It doesn't' normally take me using a lame trick like a loose dog to start a conversation with a girl.' Instead I just stood there silently like an idiot. Thankfully she cut any tension before it could develop. She stood back up, took off her gardening glove and extended her hand to me. "I'm Sharon Metscer." "I'm Jake," I said taking her hand in mine, the feeling of her delicate fingers sent a small shiver through me. "Jake...?" she said leaning forward with a look of anticipation. "Oh... Stevens, Jake Stevens," I finished. "It's nice to finally meet you, Jake Stevens," she said with a laugh. Sharon looked like she was about 28 or 29 and couldn't have been any taller than 5' 3". She looked like she had a body like a Greek statue, not skinny, not fat, but with just the right amount of curves that made her, well, womanly. Her eyes, which seemed almost perfectly almond shaped, were a dazzling hazel that looked like they were mixed with flecks of yellow. I swear to God, when she blinked they looked like they had been sprinkled with gold dust. "And who's this big guy, here?" she asked kneeling down again and petting shadow who wagged his tail even faster and extended his paw out to her. "This is Shadow," I said. "What breed is he?" she asked looking up at me and petting him at the same time. "He's a mix of German shepherd, Yellow Lab, and Mastiff, I think," I explained, doing my best not to stare at her breasts through the opening at the top of the low cut neck line. "Oh, he's a cutie," she said in cooing voice that only made Shadow wag his tail faster and turn his body so he could lean against her for more petting. "What, you want some lovin'?" she asked him petting and scratching his side. "So... uh, where are you from?" I asked, trying to make some small talk. "I'm originally from Easton, Pennsylvania, but I came here from Kansas City, Missouri," she said standing back up, leaving Shadow begging for more. "Really? What were you doing in Kansas City?" I asked, genuinely curious. "My job had me moving around a lot, and after a while you get tired of it. When the opportunity came up to settle down somewhere permanently, I took it. So, here I am. I bought this house, sort of a mega-birthday present to myself, and decided this is where I'm gonna stay." The ear to ear smile across her face said she was very pleased with herself and happy with the house. Never mind the fact that it sent my heart into fibrillations. "Was it your birthday recently?" I asked. "Not yet, another month and I hit the big 3-0," she said with a roll of the eyes. "Really? "You know my birthday's in June, too," I said. "Another Gemini, eh. I had a feeling there was something interesting about you," she said with a smile. "And you said you're gonna be 30?" Sharon sighed. "Yeah, it's coming fast." "See, I never would've thought you were older than 26." My dad told me any time a woman tells you her age, tell her you thought she was four years younger, it an automatic ten points in their book. "Thank you so much for that beautiful lie, Jake," she said with a laugh. "You can call me, Jay, everyone does," I said. Sharon looked me up and down for a second as if she were appraising a car or an appliance. "No, I don't think I will. You look like a Jake. Jay sounds too high school. Jake is a man's name." She looked at me again and I was starting to feel a little embarrassed. "No, you definitely look like a Jake." "Alright," I said with a nervous smile. Like I said before when I saw Sharon first moving in, even from the way she walked and carried herself, she just seemed to exude confidence and sexiness. To stand in front of her, to fill your senses with her and listen to her talk, there was no question about it, she was the sexiest woman I had ever met in my life. My eyes would drop to her body on their own to get a good look at her luscious grapefruit size tits, and her hourglass waist that flared out to a pair of sexy hips. I had to force myself to look back up at her face, which was just as hypnotic. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to snake my arm around her waist and pull her against me, to feel the heat of her body against me, and feel her delicious looking breasts squash against my chest, and kiss those two full cotton candy pink lips. "Well, I guess I'd better finish cleaning up this planter before it starts getting dark," she said, her words bringing me back to reality. "Yeah, you're gonna have a lot of work on your hands with this place," I said looking around the yard. "After Mr. Hirschbaum died, Mrs. Hirschbaum kinda let this place go a bit before she moved in with her son." "Yeah, I noticed that when I bought it." "I used to mow the lawn for her and do a couple of other chores that she couldn't handle, but I just didn't have time to do everything she needed to have done," I explained. "Oh, yeah? How much would someone charge for that?" Sharon inquired, obviously hinting that she might need some help. "I don't know, I never charged Mrs. Hirschbaum," I said. "She tried to pay me, but it didn't seem right. I was just trying to help out a lonely old woman." "Oh that's sweet," she said smiling at me. "Well, I'll be honest, there are quite a few things that I could use help with around here, and some things I'm just not strong enough to do. Would you be interested in giving me a hand?" "Uh... sure... I guess." I couldn't believe my luck. I had only introduced myself to her five minutes ago and here I was going to be working with her to get her house together. "Great, if you're not busy tomorrow morning come on over and we'll get started. And I will be paying you, and you will accept it, got it!" It was pretty clear there wasn't a choice in the matter. "Got it," I said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Shadow," she said petting the old boy before turning around and getting back to her planter. I started to walk away, but found myself moving at a snail's pace as the motion of her bending over and kneeling down in her little black shorts all but froze me in my tracks. The hourglass shape of her hips and the curve of her ass made my jaw go slack. In my mind all I could picture myself doing was sliding my hand down over those two glorious cheeks and taking hold of those hips as I dragged her up against my crotch so I could wedge my cock into her ass cleavage. I shook myself back into reality and made my way back home with Shadow coming up by my side. I looked down and him and gave him a scratch on his ear. "Good boy," I muttered. He looked back up at me as if to say, 'Don't mention it, pal.' I looked back and glanced at Sharon continuing her work and had to again forcefully tear my eyes off her. Now, I couldn't be sure, but I thought I saw her slow down for a second and look at me out of the corner of her eyes with a smirk. Maybe it was just the imaginings of a horny guy... maybe. ***** It had been about 4 weeks since Sharon had asked me to help her get her house the way she wanted it. Every day after my classes at the community college were finished I had gone next door to either mow the lawn, clean out the planters and the old rose garden in the backyard that had lost all of its roses, or trim the hedges around her house... which I was able to impress her with thanks to my Dad's constantly hovering over me correcting my mistakes. Each day I left her house I was dirty, sweaty, and even more enamored with her. She wasn't afraid to get dirty, do heavy lifting, or swear like a drunken sailor when she jammed her finger or banged her shin into something. And even with all the sweat and grime on her hands and face, her hair falling out of its ponytail, she was still an incredibly beautiful woman. She always wore a pair of little black or red or blue jersey knit shorts; I think they call them boy shorts, that showed off her beautiful legs, and a tank top or loose fitting t-shirt that always gave me an awesome view down to her breasts when we were working together and she was leaning over. Everyday was an exercise in self control and knowing when was the right time to steal a glance at those two beautiful mounds of tit flesh. Good God, I could always picture myself burying my face between them, almost getting lost in her cleavage and sucking on each nipple, making it hard and cherry red. It was almost driving me crazy how much I wanted her, needed to have her. She always paid me very well, and between her and my job at the local hardware store my savings account was getting larger and larger. I'd have my first car in time for my birthday after all. Graduation had finally come and I was no longer a high school student. I had told my parents that I didn't really want a graduation party, just a fancy dinner with the family up in the city, something low key. My parents were also nice enough to give me a gift of $300.00 towards my car since they didn't spend it on a graduation party. My prospects at getting a nice car were getting better and better. One Sunday I had come over to her house before she had gotten home from shopping and sat on her front porch paging through her copy of the newspaper until I came to the classifieds. I was seeing what kinds of cars people were selling and what was in my price range when she pulled into the driveway. She stepped out of the car wearing a pair of tight jeans, a tight red t-shirt, and pair of high heeled sandals. She grabbed her bags from the back seat and made her way over to me as I tried to keep my attention on the newspaper instead of watching her tits shake under her shirt with each step. "Hey Stud," she said coming up the sidewalk. She had come to calling me different pet names each time she saw me. Everything from Sexy to Handsome to Stud, each time it made me blush, and each time she giggled at my awkwardness. "You becoming a newspaper thief?" "No, that's my back up plan, in case my career as a full time grounds keeper doesn't pan out," I said back as nonchalantly as I could. Sharon laughed. God, I loved her laugh. It was honest and loud and she didn't cover her mouth or do that fake giggle some girls do to humor a guy. "Seriously, what'cha looking at?" she asked standing behind me as she unlocked her front door. "Oh, just seeing if there's any cars for sale in my price range that don't have too many miles," I said. "Hmmm, anything, yet?" she asked as she turned around than leaned down and looked over my shoulder. My heart sped up to about a thousand beats per minute and my stomach was doing somersaults. I could feel one of those luscious C-cups squash against my shoulder as she peered at the paper in my hands. I had no idea what perfume she was wearing, but it was sending my senses into overload, and I could feel her hair tickle the back of my neck. Immediately I could feel my cock start stiffening under my denim shorts and start to strain against the material. Oh crap, how was I going to be able to stand up with that and not embarrass myself. God, she made me so horny by just being near me. "Uh... nothing... yet," I said. "Well, something will pop up." Something already did. "Come on in, I need some help putting some stuff in the attic," she said turning around and heading into the house. "Be right there," I said. How was I going to hide this raging hard on she gave me? I had an idea; I stood up and shifted my cock so it was pointing straight up than tucked the head under the waistband of my boxers. There, boner hidden, and I was saved from embarrassment, even if it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. I stepped inside. "Sharon?" I called out. "I'm down here," I heard her answer from down the hall. She backed out of her bedroom dragging a box of something heavy. She was bent over, her ass pointing at me as she shuffled backward. I actually felt myself get lightheaded when I saw those two back pockets coming toward me. I don't think I have ever seen anyone wear a pair of jeans as well as she did. She stopped at the end of the hall. "I need you to hand this up to me. Once it's up in the attic I can slide it to where I want it, lifting it is not something I can do," she said smiling. "Yeah, that's no problem," I said. "I know it's no problem for you, you're the big strong man in my life," she said poking me in the chest. I could feel my face flush and the back of my neck started heating up as I smiled and looked away bashfully. Sharon laughed as she turned to grab the rope to pull down the attic stairs. She took pleasure in embarrassing me like that and watching me blush. Through a few conversations we'd had I had found out that Sharon didn't have any family around here. Her parents lived in Florida and her siblings lived in 3 different states. So in a way, I guess I was the man in her life. It felt pretty good to hear her say it. I looked back and saw her reaching up for the attic rope, which was just out of her reach. God I wanted to wrap my arms around that hourglass waist of hers, pull her back into me and gently kiss the smooth skin on her neck. I watched her struggle to reach for the rope, at the most only batting it from side to side with her finger tips. I reached up over her and easily grabbed it than pulled the stairs down. She turned around and gave me a look of mock contempt. "I'd have gotten it eventually." "I know you would have, but I don't have that kind of time, I collect social security at 65," I said. "Hey!" I got her with that one. "Come on, up you go," I said. "Oh, yes, sir," she said sarcastically. I stepped back to get in a good position to lift the box, that and to watch that glorious booty of hers as she climbed the stairs. "Good Lord," I mumbled. "What?" she asked over her shoulder. "Nothing," I said reminding myself to keep my mouth shut. I really didn't want to screw anything up with her. "Okay, I'm ready," she said looking down from the attic. I crouched down and lifted the box. It was heavy, really heavy, but I wasn't going to show her that. No grunts, groans, or swearing as I lifted it, just hauled it up and rested it on my shoulder. I used my free hand and grabbed the short side rail that was built into the folding stair unit and climbed up. I got to the top of the stairs with the box still on my shoulder. There was just enough room to get through but I managed. I stood there holding the box and looked at Sharon. "Where do you want this?" Sharon just knelt in front of me and just looked at me. I couldn't quite read her, she was just staring at me intently, studying me in total silence. "Sharon, this is really heavy, where do you want me to put it?" "Oh, right," she said and blinked a couple of times. "Just set it down in front of me and I'll drag it to the side." We got the box into the attic and I waited for her to come down. She hadn't taken off her heels and when she was backing down the steps I saw one of her feet slip on the steps and slide forward through one of the openings on the stairs. She let out a yelp and panicked losing her grip on the short railing on the stairs and started to tumble back. "Whoa," I cried and jumped forward to catch her in both my arms like something out of the movies. It was almost too perfect; she literally fell into my arms. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Uh... yeah, I think so," she said still visibly shaken from the prospect of hitting the hardwood floor. "You're sure?" "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," she said. "Thank you for being in the right place at the right time," she said kissing my cheek and hugging my neck. When she pulled back all I could do was stare at her. Stare right into those beautiful hazel eyes like I was falling into a trance. In my mind's eye I saw myself leaning in and kissing her as passionately as any of the leading men did in the movies. Her lips would be soft and warm and taste as sweet as a peach. It would be absolutely perfect. "Jake," she said, knocking me out of my fantasy. "You can put me down now." "Uh, yeah," I said setting her on her feet. "You okay?" she asked. "I'm the one who could've gotten a concussion, but you looked like you were in a daze." "No, no. I'm fine," I said. "Okay, let me get changed and we'll get to work," she said. Work!? There was no way I was going to be able to concentrate around her. Not after that. I still felt dizzy and not quite in control after holding her like that. Oh my God, she was too perfect, too fucking beautiful. What made it worse was she didn't even realize just how desirable she was. I felt flushed, sweaty, and short of breath. I had to get away from her, at least for now. "Umm, actually, I almost forgot, I promised my dad I'd give him a hand with something. He's... putting up a new ceiling fan in the living room and it's sort of a two man job." "Really?" she asked, the disappointment in her voice and on her face was unmistakable. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I completely forgot. I'll be here next weekend though," I said, trying to rectify the situation somehow. "No you won't," she said. "I won't?" Oh shit! What have I done! It felt like my heart had seized up and just quit on me. I really screwed up now. "Next weekend's your birthday," she said with a little half smile. I had completely forgotten. It was my birthday; I was going to be 20. "Oh, right! I guess I forgot." That was a bit of a relief. Now all I had left was this tremendous urge to take her in my arms and carry her to her room and out-do every porno I had ever seen... all three of them. Hey, I'm only twenty, remember. "Well, I guess I'd better go," I said. "I'll se you later." I rushed home and made a bee line right for my bedroom, stripped down and masturbated to the image of a nude Sharon straddling me and riding my cock. God, the perfect birthday present would be her in the flesh, riding me. ***** It had been two weeks since I had last seen Sharon. I spent with my birthday with two of my friends, Todd and Brian, down at the boardwalk. One of my friends was able to smuggle a twelve pack from his father and we spent the night under one of the piers getting drunk. All night my mind kept drifting back to Sharon. No matter what I did, I couldn't get her or her incredibly hot body out of my head. My friends would start talking about girls and conquests we'd made (both real and greatly exaggerated), but every time I kept drifting back to Sharon. Thoughts of fondling those two beautiful tits of hers, sucking and pinching each nipple until she shivered and squealed, burying my face between her legs and tasting how sweet her pussy was, or what it would feel like with her legs up on my shoulders as I pounded my cock in and out of her pussy all slick after going down on her. We'd spent the rest of the night finishing the beers and bullshitting about this and that. I tried to keep my mind focused on the fact that it was my birthday and I was spending it with two of my best friends. It took all my concentration to keep Sharon out of my mind, but there was always that lingering little tug that said she was still there. Three days later I stopped over at Sharon's house excited about my new gift. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer, even though her car was in the driveway. I pulled out my cell phone and called her number. "Hello," she answered. "Hi, Sharon, it's Jake. You home?" I asked. "Yeah I'm out on the back deck. Why? Are you here?" "Uh huh, I rang the doorbell and no one answered." She laughed. "So you decided to call me instead of walk 20 feet around to the backyard. You can't be that lazy." "No, I'm not... I just..." I stammered. She laughed again. "Just come around," and hung up. When I opened the back gate and stepped onto the deck I came to a dead stop. Sharon was wearing a small red string bikini and was sunning herself on a lounge chair. She was lying face down and had her top undone so she wouldn't get any tan lines. Her bottoms were just enough to cover the cheeks of her stunning ass and I could see the sides of her tits squashing out from the sides of her chest. She propped herself up on her elbows as I stood at the top of the three small steps that lead up from the yard. Her tits just hung there, the tips still pressed against the lounge chair. There was no way in hell that those were C-cups. My dad had told me that if a woman has a good bra, it can sometimes be hard to tell just how big she really is. In less than two seconds I had felt my cock grow into a hard-on that rivaled any I had had in the past. "Hey, stranger, how was your birt—," she stopped and stared at me. "Uh... did I do that?" she said looking down at my cargo shorts. I was so mesmerized by the vision of the sexy woman I hadn't even realized that I was sticking out as straight as the barrel of a gun. "Oh, shit," I said and turned around. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize." "No, no, Jake," she giggled. "It's okay. I should've covered up before you came back here. But, thank you, though. I'm really flattered." I stood with my back turned and adjusted myself. My first instinct was to leave and hide in a hole somewhere, but the need to see her again won out over my embarrassment and I stayed. "Are you okay now?" she asked. "Yeah," I said as I turned back around. She was sitting up with her bikini tied and wearing a pair of cut offs. Her chestnut hair was pulled back in her usual ponytail and she had slipped on a pair of aviator sunglasses with reflective lenses. She even had a belly button ring that had a little red stone in it. God, she looked awesome; nor was she doing anything to put any slack in my erection. "So what's up? I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna come back. I thought I made you mad or something," she said. "Oh no, you didn't make me mad. I just... you know... I forgot I had to help my dad... and than the past couple weeks everyone's been wanting me to hang out with them for my birthday," I tried to explain... and lie a little, too. "Yeah, how was your birthday? You're 20, do you feel like a man, now?" she asked with a bright smile. "Sort of, but it's not cause I'm 20. Actually it's because of something I bought for myself. That's what I came over for, I want to show you something," I said. "Alright," she stood and slipped on a pair of flip-flops. I stepped off the deck and opened the backyard gate for her. "Thank you. Oh, and..." she took off her sunglasses, leaned in close and murmured, "you're going to make your next girlfriend very happy." She glanced down at my package than slipped her sunglasses back on and stepped past me. I stood there with a stupid, pleased, and embarrassed smile on my face. She always knew how to do that to me. I didn't know whether to hate her or love her for it. I caught up to her and we stepped into the front yard together. Parked next to the curb in front of her house was a blue Ford Ranger pick-up. "Is that yours?" she asked me. "Yup, bought it two days ago, got it registered and insured yesterday, and it's all mine," I said proudly. Sharon looked so excited for me and ran over to it. She peered over into the bed, walked all around it, looked in through the open windows. "No dents, no rust, paint's not fading, 5 speed stick. What year is this?" "It's an '88," I said. "Very nice," she said. "And you paid for it all?" "Every penny." I could feel myself puff up with pride. "That's awesome," she said. "So, are you in the mood to offer a girl a ride?" She stepped around to the passenger side door and leaned against the truck, her ass sticking out, and a pouty look on her face. There was no way in the world I could have refused her. "Oh wait," she said and ran into the house. She came back out with a little box wrapped in blue paper with a white bow on it. She got me a present. "You bought me a gift?" I asked in complete surprise. "Uh huh," she nodded. "You didn't have to do that," I said taking it. "Of course I did. Friends always get their friends something for their birthday," she said looking up at me. "And we're friends, right?" "Yeah..." I said still surprised. "Yeah, we're friends," I said with a smile and just stood there for a second. "Well, go ahead, open it," she said. I unwrapped the little box and inside was a key chain that said WORKIN' MAN. I smiled and held up the key chain by the ring. It wasn't much, probably only six or seven bucks, but she thought of me. I didn't know what to say. "Now you have a key chain to put your keys on," she said. "Thanks, Sharon," I said. "Happy Birthday," she said and stepped forward and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Come on, I want to see what this thing can do." She stepped past me and climbed into the passenger side of the truck waiting for me. I had driven with no place in particular to go, cruising around, speeding down the highway when I didn't think there weren't any cops around. She kept telling me to go faster until I had it cranked up to 95. I was as nervous as hell that I was going to wrap us around a telephone pole, but there was no way I was going to show her that. I drove us down to the beach and cruised up and down the boulevard near the boardwalk. She had slipped off her flip flops and was sitting back with her feet on my dashboard. Her toes were painted as red as her bikini top, and it took all my concentration to keep my eyes on the road and not on her. Did it get better than this? Cruising by the beach with a sexy brunette in a red bikini and cut offs. "Nice truck, Jake. Very nice," she said and smiled at me. "Thanks." I looked over at the sidewalk. "Oh, hey there goes Todd and Brian." "Pull over, let's say hi," she said. I had forgotten she had never met them and I hadn't really mentioned Sharon to them. For some reason I wanted to keep her all to myself. I tooted the horn and pulled over. They came over and remarked on the truck, but there attention was mainly on Sharon. "So, Jake who is this?" Brian asked looking from Sharon to me and than back to her. Before I could even open my mouth Sharon was right there with an answer. "He saw me walking down the boardwalk and asked me if I wanted a ride," she said. "So, here I am," she said with a smile. "I'm Sharon." I wasn't saying a word. Mainly because I was too surprised, but also because of the looks of jealousy and shock on Todd and Brian's faces. "Wait, you just pulled over, saw her and asked if she wanted a ride?" Todd asked. "Pretty much," I said. They both looked back at Sharon and in unison said, "Damn!" Sharon smiled. "Thank you." She looked back to me. "Let's go, I'm getting bored." "You heard her," I said and dropped the truck into gear. My friends stepped back. "Yeah," was all they could say. As I pulled away I heard Brian yell, "Call us!" When we were a good distance away Sharon and I started laughing hysterically. "Oh my God, I can't believe you said that!" I said. "I can't either! I don't know what possessed me to say that, but did you see the look on their faces?" She clapped her hands and continued to laugh. We drove around for what seemed like forever, talking about nothing unparticular, and when the conversation died, we sat in a comfortable silence. I wasn't feeling nervous or flushed or like a stuttering idiot, I just felt so comfortable next to her. "Can I ask you a question? There's something I need to know," she asked breaking the silence. The sun was starting to dip and the sky was beginning to get that orangey hue that said twilight was on its way. "Yeah, I suppose," I said. She took a deep breath. "Do you like me?" "Yeah, sure, I like you." I said. "Why would I spend so much time around you if we weren't friends?" "That's not what I mean," she said. I knew exactly what she meant; the part I couldn't explain, even to myself, was why I was trying to avoid the question. "I know we're friends, but, do... you... like... me?" "Why... why do you ask?" I stuttered. "Because I always catch you looking at me." She looked out the window and took off her sunglasses, than turned those dazzling hazel eyes back on me. "Practically undressing me with your eyes." My stomach twisted into a nervous knot and my heart jumped. Oh crap, she knew I was staring at her. Oh man, she must think I'm some kind of pervert or something. "I... I haven't... haven't been staring at..." I tried to lie. "Jake, I'm going to be 30 years old in a few days. I've been around the block a few times; I know when a guy is staring at me. And that little presentation you made for me this afternoon... well, not so little... if that doesn't tell me anything, I might as well become a nun right now." I couldn't look at her. Not so much to keep from running my truck into a fire hydrant, but because I was frightened out of my mind. "Pull over there, she said seeing a side street near the side of one of the many restaurants on the boardwalk. I pulled the truck into the side street, put it in neutral and threw the emergency brake on. I sat there looking straight out the windshield. "Jake?" Sharon said. I was still silent. "Jake, look at me," she said with firmness. I slowly turned my head looking down than slowly lifted up to face her. How come you can take a guy that can work sun up to sun down, can hold his own in a fight, and is as strong as an ox, but once you put him in front of a beautiful woman he turns back to nine years old. Sharon had shifted in her seat to face her whole body to me and my eyes settled on that awesome tummy of hers and her cute little belly button ring. I looked up at her, still unable to comprehend how something so beautiful could exist outside of a Greek myth or a fairy tale. Even with that serious look on her face she was captivating. A small smile slowly cracked her lips. "I'm not mad. If that's what you're thinking, get it out of your head, now." I could feel a slight relief wash over me. Now, all I had to deal with was this crushing embarrassment at having a high school crush on this goddess that lived next door to me. "Now, answer my question. Do you like me?" My first reaction was to deny it, make up some kind of story, but, all I found myself doing was nodding yes. "That's what I thought. I've been watching you watch me, don't think I haven't. Those little glances down my shirt, the way you stumble when I'm working outside on my hands and knees, the way your mouth gapes open. I notice it all, Jake. And when you caught me when I fell off the stairs, that's when I knew for sure how you felt about me. I'll be honest, I kind of did that on purpose," she said. "You did?" I asked dumbfounded. "Mmm hmm," she nodded. "It was a risk, but I was curious, and I knew you wouldn't let me fall. You are really strong, by the way," she said and ran her finger down over my chest. It felt like she touched me with a live wire. I sat there silently for a minute. "So...?" I didn't know what else to say. "Come with me," she said and opened her door. I climbed out of the truck and walked with her over the boardwalk and down to the beach. I held myself back a few steps to watch the sway of her ass as she walked. She looked over her shoulder at me and rolled her eyes as she noticed my eyes were glued to her butt. She reached back and took my hand in hers and laced our fingers together. I was completely under whatever spell she had put on me, and I was not eager for her to lift it. We walked down to where the surf crashed onto the sand and she sat down motioning me to follow her. It all seemed so surreal like I was walking through a dream. She reached back and pulled her hair tie letting her hair fall from her pony tail. She ran her fingers through it and I don't think it could have looked more beautiful if she had gone to a professional hair stylist. The breeze began to blow little strands of it back as she leaned back on her hands, her bronzed skin seemed to glow in the fading light. In that moment I had found religion, because I was sure God had taken his time making her. "I have to ask; when we first met, did you tell your dog to come over to me, or did that just happen?" she asked, continuing to look out over the water. I laughed a little. "No, that just happened." "Cause I heard you walk away and mutter something that sounded like, 'Good Boy'," she said. "Umm, well, yeah, but I honestly didn't plan for him to run over to you. I've had him for 15 years; he just kind of knows how to read me. And, I'm glad he did," I said. "I noticed," she said with a raised eyebrow. There was a moment of silence between us, it felt like an hour. "So, umm, what happens now?" I asked. She knew how I felt about her, she knew I'd follow her like a puppy anywhere she took me. I think she knew I was too nervous to make the first move. Sharon turned to face her whole body to me and looked into my eyes. It was the kind of look when you knew someone was looking deeply into you. She didn't say anything, didn't smile, didn't laugh, but her face was soft and relaxed. Than she kissed me; not a peck on the cheek, not the kind of kiss you'd give a friend or a kiss you'd get from your cousin, but a full smack on the lips that a woman gives to her lover. It was hard, wet, and hot and it took my breath away. I felt like every part of me was on fire... and I would have gladly burned to cinders than to have broken that kiss. I felt her lips part and mine instinctively followed suit. Her tongue snaked into my mouth and I immediately made mine meet hers, our lips locked and our tongues danced and wrestled back and forth. I had never felt this high before in my life, I couldn't believe this was happening. She broke the kiss and lay back on the sand, grabbing my shirt and pulling me down towards her. She gently placed her hands on either side of my face and guided me back to her lips. I had to control my hunger to resume our kiss, I wanted to taste those lips again more than a man in the desert wanted water. In those few seconds I had become an addict for her kiss and I desperately needed a fix. Most people say that first kiss with one particular person was the best they had ever had, well my first kiss with Sharon wasn't, it was the second, because this time I knew what was waiting for me and when I got there, it was better than I had remembered. I propped myself up with one arm while I had my other hand resting on her hip. I decided it was well worth the risk, so I gently caressed up the side of her abdomen and when I felt the swimsuit material I cupped one of her breasts. It felt even more wonderful than I had imagined it would; soft but firmness to it. My index finger explored around and felt her nipple under the material. I rolled my finger over it until I could feel it getting hard and erect. I was ecstatic that she hadn't swatted my hand away or broke the kiss. In fact, she began to moan with pleasure. The more my finger played the harder I could feel her nipple grow. She finally broke our kiss, and I have to say I was more than a bit nervous. That nervousness turned to adrenaline fueled excitement when she slipped her finger under the cup of her bikini top and pulled it aside revealing the tit I had been playing with. "I'll bet you've been dreaming about this for a while now," she said. I could only stare at how perfect her breast was; it definitely was not a C-cup, that I was sure of. Her areola was maybe the size of a fifty cent piece and her nipple had to be as thick as the tip of her pinkie finger. It was a living piece of art. "Come, on, Jake. Suck on my titty," she said and brought my face down into that huge mound of heaven. My lips immediately closed around her nipple and sucked it in as far as it would go, swirling my tongue around it than flicking it back and forth. I could feel her getting harder as I teased and sucked on her. Sharon began breathing heavier and softly moaning which only spurned me on. I began to nibble on her nipple gently but with enough pressure that I made her gasp a little, I had shocked her with that, but it was obvious she was enjoying it because she began to moan a bit louder. I had played with my old girlfriend's titties before and, being a breast man, I loved to take my time nuzzling and sucking on them, but what made playing with Sharon's so much hotter was her reactions. My old girlfriends just seemed to lay there while I teased them. That's not to say they didn't enjoy themselves, but they just lay there and let me do what I wanted to do while they moaned and whined. That was the sum total of their reactions. Sharon was different. Sharon ran her fingers through my hair, hugged me closer to her chest, whispered dirty little encouragements like, "Oh, that's it, baby" and "Yeah, suck on that titty, bite my nipple again". She liked what I was doing and wasn't afraid to tell me. She had begun to hug me so tight my nose was pressed completely against her tit blocking off all air. I tried to fight off the need for air as long as possible, but my lungs finally won out. I came up, slowly, from her breast letting her nipple slowly slip from between my tightly pursed lips. She gave off a little, "Ugh" as she finally slipped from my mouth. I hovered there for a minute panting for air slightly. "Run out of air?" she asked. "Yeah, you almost had me in a head lock for a second," I said. "But, I couldn't think of a better way to suffocate to death." Sharon laughed and ran her finger tips down my cheek. "You're so cute," she said and kissed me again. I didn't feel this drunk when I was hanging out under the pier with my friends. She broke our kissed and looked around the beach. We were alone, but that wouldn't last long, not with the night crowds coming. "We should go before someone sees us," she said and slipped her bikini top back in place over her breast. My heart sunk at seeing that beautiful piece of flesh covered up. I stood up and took her hand helping her up and we brushed the sand off each other. I cleaned off her back than down to her butt, which quickly turned into slowly caressing her ass. I continued for another minute before she looked over her shoulder and said, "I think you got it all." "Hmm," I heard her but it I was so transfixed on those two curvy globes it took a second for it to register. "Oh, right. I was just making sure it was all off. Don't want sand in my new truck." She turned and sighed in mock exasperation than took both my hands in her. "Come on my little horn dog." "Woof," I said following her. We drove back home, Sharon cuddled up against me on the truck's bench seat with my arm around her. I told her I needed my other hand to work the stick. Sharon looked at me with a devious smile. "I'll work your stick for you." I swallowed hard as she slid her hand down my chest and thigh coming very close to my still rock hard cock and grabbed hold of my... ...gear shift. Her small hand slid delicately around the knob, her manicured nails dancing over it very lightly, than she gripped hold of the knob and slid her hand down the shaft. "Is this how you do it?" she asked looking back up at me with the sexiest innocent schoolgirl face, sliding her hand up and down the shaft slightly. Good God, I wanted to rip her clothes off right there and take her on my truck seat. I took her hand and slid it back up to the knob. "This is where you can control it the easiest." I pushed in the clutch, she popped the shifter into first and we headed home, glued to each other in the front seat. ***** When I pulled into her driveway we sat for a minute enjoying the silence between us. Her curvy little body felt so good against me I didn't want to move from this spot, but I had to know where this was going to go from here. I had just made out with the most beautiful woman I had ever known in my life and I was so hungry for more. "So, do you want me to come in?" I asked. Than realizing how much of an idiot I must sound like. Sharon looked up at me. "No, you should probably go. Besides I have work tomorrow." She sat up next to me on her knees. "But," she looked at me, that same look where she looked deep into my eyes and kissed me ever so gently, it felt like she had brushed a feather across my lips. In a split second my cock grew to the point where it was pressing hard against the zipper of my cargo shorts. The pain was almost exquisite... almost. "Come back over this weekend. Saturday night." She gave me another feather kiss. "Park your truck a couple blocks down so no one sees you." Another feather kiss. "Come in though the back door. I'll be waiting." "That's your birthday, right?" I asked, my heart pounding on overdrive. "Mmm hmm," she said with another feather kiss. "You gonna bring me a present?" She looked down at my shorts and my raging hard-on. "I hope so," I said, and it took a concentrated effort to get that out. "Good, maybe I'll have a present for you, too." One last feather kiss and she stepped out of my truck. I watched her as she walked back into her house, her body silhouetted against the glow of the porch light. This entire afternoon and evening felt like it was out of a movie, it felt too good to be true. I laid my head on my steering wheel. "This has to be a dream."

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