Son-in-law Makes His Move Ch. 02

Son-in-law Makes His Move Ch. 02 by AugMilf© It was the next day, the day after their first time together and Brian and Janie hadn't slipped up and given any indication of what had occurred the night before. Her mind was crazy just remembering the moments. The foursome decided to drive to a nearby town to meet someone for lunch. Brian drove and Janie sat in the front seat because Jessie wanted some time with her Dad. As they drove to the restaurant, Janie thought back over the last year. It had all started rather innocently. She had texted Brian just checking in as good mother-in-laws do. He was having a tough day, one of those days where you just feel life is against you on all sides. She had questioned him carefully and then encouraged him in his time of need. Janie had known Brian since he was eight years old. She thought she knew everything about him before he started dating her daughter after they had known each other for ten years. She learned even more over the next few years as the courtship continued. Brian was athletic, ambitious and focused. She was surprised when he expressed to her that he wasn't always confident. She cited example after example for him of times in his life when she knew he was successful despite being discouraged by teachers, coaches, whomever. "It's like you know me or something," he had said. "I do know you and you're amazing. You need to know that and believe it," she had responded. From that moment, Janie had checked in on Brian daily. Then several times a day. Sometimes more. A friendship blossomed through those texts and they learned they had a lot in common. Their personalities were a lot alike and they could talk about most anything. Then it was Janie's turn for a rough patch. She lost a friend because of a disagreement. Her husband struggled at work. To compound matters, Janie and Daniel were struggling...sexually. Janie felt she had tried everything or was trying everything. One day her unhappiness was evident in her texts and Brian asked her about it. She relayed her tale of woe and then even started listing some of the things she had tried. "I just offered to go Around-the-World with him and he refused me with a laugh," she texted. After ten minutes with no return text, she texted again, "Maybe you aren't the world traveler?" "I don't understand. What is Around-the-World?" came Brian's response. "Look it up," she replied. It took only a moment and then another text. "You offered to do that and he refused you?? I don't get it. What is wrong with him! If I ever got the chance at any of that, I'd jump on it." "Oh, you mean Jessie isn't very open?" Janie texted. "God, no! She is as vanilla as they come," he replied. "I see. Well, when you're a sexual person and your partner isn't, it can cause frustration. Obviously, I know," she said. After that conversation, there were many conversations about sex, about things each had done or would do. Then one day, it happened. Each was alone while their spouses were at work and the lines got blurred. The things they had done or would do turned into the things they would do to each other. In just a few moments, the language turned and they were sexting away. Janie reached inside her jeans and masturbated during the session and found she easily achieved orgasm. When the heat subsided, Brian asked, "So did you cum for me, Baby?" She smiled to herself and texted back, "As Sam on Sex in the City used to say 'When I RSVP to a party, I always cum.' Did you?" "Heehee. I like that and OH YES!!" was his response. Janie snapped out of her world of thoughts as the laughter in the car grew out of control. She joined in as if she knew what they were talking about and the laughter and chatter continued until they reached the restaurant. Lunch was fun and carefree. Brian brushed Janie's knee with his hand a few times underneath the protective cover of the table. It sent her heart racing. This time she wasn't drinking and she was sure of her choices and even more sure of the text she sent him saying, "No regrets." When the family headed home, Brian started playing some of her favorite music, another interest they shared. Before going home he pulled the car into the lot of a liquor store. Jessie and Daniel were going into the store while the others waited in the car. Janie grew excitedly nervous as Brian looked her and smiled. She opened her purse and fumbled through it for a small pink tube to apply to her lips. "Chapstick, huh?" Brian kidded her. "Yeah, I'm addicted. Want some?" she asked. He nodded and she offered him the tube. He smiled and shook his head. She blushed at his implication and smiled again. The doors opened and Jessie and Daniel climbed back in. They were having a discussion about Jessie's car needing some repair and maybe they could take a look at it. When they arrived at home, she went inside with the packages with Brian on her heels. Jessie stayed outside to show her Dad the trouble with her car. Brian came up behind Janie and wrapped his arms around her to rub her breasts. He'd hardly had time to caress her and was eager to touch her again. She giggled like a schoolgirl and reached behind her to grab at his pants. He was rock hard again. Immediately, her cunt was wet and her panties started sticking to her. She pulled away for fear of getting caught. Brian trotted over to the kitchen window and spied through the blinds. They were safe for now. She met him at the edge of the kitchen where it opened to the living room and grabbed his cock again. She stroked it gently and looked into his eyes. There is was again. The connection, the unmistakable connection between them despite everything. The one that for the last year had only existed via text and a few discrete phone calls. She gave him a quick smile but didn't wait for his response. She pulled open his shorts to reveal his dick. It eagerly sprang up to greet her and she bent over to take him in her mouth. She bobbed her head furiously on him. Despite usually being non-verbal, moans freely escaped his lips. He grabbed her hair and rocked into her mouth forcing the enormity of him deeper. Oh my God! Can this really be happening? Am I really doing this? she thought. They are right outside and can come in at any second but, oh my God, he tastes so good. Despite her straying of thought momentarily, she refocused and plunged him again deeper into her. Then he stopped her to turn to look out the window again. He barely made it to her before she pulled at his shorts again and tore at him. She was insatiable. He started to ram faster. It was dangerous. It was exciting. It was amazing. Soon he found words. "Oh my God, Janie, I'm cumming," he whispered barely audible, He exploded into her mouth and she took it all and then took a moment to lick him clean and suck the last bit out of him. "You'd better hurry," he said. She rushed off to brush her hair and fix her make-up knowing she was a mess. She came out of the bathroom and found the apartment empty. She walked outside and joined the group looking at Jessie's car. Brian winked at her when they turned to walk inside. Later, Baby, she thought. I can't wait to have more than a few seconds with you.

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