Uncle Bob & Micky

Uncle Bob & Micky byfadedgiant© I begin this tale on a sad note, a note of despair, a note of loneliness and emptiness. I begin as I walk away from the grave of my sister who died of cancer at 45 years. She left behind four children, two still living at home, two ex-husbands, and me her only sibling. The tale worsens as I remember my father dying four years earlier on my 45th birthday and my mother dying four years before my father near their 45 wedding anniversary. Cancer was the beast taking all three and I am, always have been, cancer free. I was dazed. How could it be that out of a family of four, three died of cancer? Perhaps I should have been despondent, yet dazed and empty is all I felt now. My cell phone rang with the caller ID telling me it was my oldest niece, oldest of my sister's four children. Micky, short for Michelle asked to come visit me in my hotel room. "Lets have dinner together Uncle Bob." Micky is about five feet and eight inches tall and has been modeling since she turned 16 and now, at 23, she models full time and makes a good living. "We don't see each other very often and I took bereavement leave for a couple weeks. How about I meet you around 7:30." Micky said to dress casual, "jeans and knit top is all I'm wearing," she related. I was thrilled with being casual after a few days of suits and dress shoes. I was the older brother, three years older than my sister, 48 compared to Micky's 23. I was not in bad shape except that beer expanded my waist a bit over the years. I do jog and use gym facilities several days a week. With three hours before Micky arrived, I rested for a couple hours before having a fresh shave and shower. I prefer wearing loose fitting carpenter jeans and microfiber knit tops and slipped into clean clothes and New Balance cross fit shoes and waited for Micky's door knock. As if she was reading a cue card, Micky knocked right at 7:30. I opened the door to see a stunning Micky, hair tied in a perfect ponytail, make up that not over done, and clothes that must have been painted on. Micky made jeans and knit tops look like evening dress. "Welcome to my humble hotel room, Micky. Come in for a moment, have a drink." Micky slipped past me entering the room and I got a whiff of her perfume, it was a lite scent barely perceptible. "You look lovely, Micky." Even though Micky wore a smile, it was obvious she hurt badly. I lost my sister and she lost her mother. Losing mother hurt much more than losing sister. I closed the door, turned to Micky and she feel into my arms sobbing deeply. "Uncle Bob," she cried saying nothing else. I held her gently letting her have her cry. After a couple minutes her sobs subsided, I rubbed her back a bit and kissed her forehead. "Micky, I cannot imagine how Cher's death affects you. We both lost someone, but you lost a lot more, your mom." We stepped out of our embrace. Micky's eyes were now red and swollen from crying. "That drink offer sounds good right now Uncle Bob." I mixed a simple whiskey and water over ice for us and went to the bathroom for a clean washcloth to make a cold compress for Micky's eyes. Micky took the compress, sat in one of the chairs, took a long pull on her drink, then leaned back placing the cold compress over her eyes. Micky exhaled a sigh as the cold relieved her sore eyes. We did not speak as Micky relaxed with her drink and compress. When Micky spoke next, her words were not to me. "Thanks, mom. I feel better now." Immediately she realized she spoke to her mother not me. "I'm sorry Uncle Bob. Just for one quick second it was mom caring for me." "Micky, sweetheart, Cher and I learned from your grandmother. If you feel it was Cher then maybe she pushed me to make the compress." We smiled affectionately as Micky began recovering getting more color back in her face. "Do you want to order room service or eat in the hotel restaurant," I asked. "Let me use the bathroom, fix up my mess and we'll go out. I'm your trophy date tonight." Micky shocked me with those words; she was my niece not a lucky catch. "Micky, I don't want a trophy date. I want to be with my niece." Then I shocked my self, speaking aloud, "However, you are a very attractive date." Micky smiled broadly, "At least I know you see me as more than nice, I mean niece." My mind raced; were we locked in some kind of sexual banter; did we both have ideas and thoughts about the other? Micky fixed her make up and her eyes were clear again. I guessed she used eye drops to get the red out. "Uncle Bob, I have a suggestion, lets eat at a little Spanish place I know. It is authentic Spanish, not Mexican, and has the best Mediterranean shell fish in city. Plus, it has secluded booths for quiet conversation." Shell fish, secluded booths, I was not sure what she had in mind; however, I took her hand as we strolled to the parking lot. Micky guided me to her car; "I'm not good giving directions, probably better if I drive." With reluctance, I gave Micky her hand back and took my place on the passenger side. "You're in charge. Drive on." Micky's smile became coy, she turned to me with an innocent look saying, "I'm driving now but I'm not driving all night." There was nothing innocent in her words and I darn sure did not miss her intended meaning. Worse, I had no remorse for the incest we might commit tonight. The drive to Micky's choice took almost 20 minutes, it seemed that every traffic light in town was set to red as we entered an intersection. I used each stop light as an opportunity to reach across the center console to touch Micky's hand and offer her a smile and she returned each in kind. Our conversation centered on my work, Micky wanted to know everything that freelance do and I enjoyed telling her all she wanted to know. If I believed Micky's description of the restaurant as having secluded booths, I believed wrong. This restaurant was intimate, dimly lighted with flickering battery candles on each table. The booths were horseshoe shaped with very high backs. I could hear snippets of conversation as we reached out booth, then upon sitting deep in the booth, nothing from adjoining booths was audible. The headwaiter knew Micky as a regular diner rather than a models face in an ad. He gave Micky an embrace and a very friendly kiss. "Micky, I read about your mother's death. I always enjoyed coming to your house for parties. She let us be kids but kept us under control somehow. I miss her and the parties too." Micky dipped her head a bit and sniffled a bit at the waiterÕs remembrance. "Thank you David, it still hasn't sunk in all the way yet. David, this is my Uncle Bob, mom's only sibling." David extended his hand to mine and gripped it sincerely. "Your sister made us kids feel welcome whenever we showed up. Tonight, I return the favor." Micky explained that David was a classmate throughout middle school and high school, "... and this is his place. This is where I come when I need a friend to spoil me." We settled into our booth and David asked if we wanted a wine to prepare our pallet and suggested a Spanish red wine to start. We agreed and he left to draw our wines. Micky sat closely next to me in the back of the booth; she found my hand and squeezed it. "Uncle Bob, I am glad you consented to have dinner with me tonight." Micky leaned into me planting an obviously intimate kiss on my lips. David returned with our wine, set them down on the table waiting for me to sniff and taste the wine for approval, with that formality complete, he asked if we wanted a menu. I looked at Micky before saying, "Micky knows the quality here; I will trust you to choose our dinner and appropriate wines." Micky agreed and David again left us. "Micky, you have asked me about my work, tell me about you and your work. Really, I want to know about you." I placed my hand on her upper thigh and gave a squeeze. A very low ah escaped Micky's mouth from my touch and she covered my hand with hers. "Most people think I have a glamorous life running with the beautiful people and traveling the globe. I cannot begin to tell them how false that image is. I have not had a relationship since high school and live out of a suitcase calling some hotel somewhere my home. Yeah, I've earned enough money to retire right now but that isn't what I want. I want to relax and enjoy life for a while, take a couple years off. I want to sleep in the same bed every night not some bed dozens have already used. I want a hug when I am happy, a hug when I am sad, and a hug for any reason." I took my cue and hugged Micky to me feeling a woman not my mourning niece. We looked into the other's eyes before dissolving into a very warm kiss. We both knew where we were headed and we had no qualms. David served us an excellent dinner of Spanish shellfish prepared several ways. There were more raw servings than cooked and several flavors of dips for seasoning. Each serving came with a different wine that complemented the taste of each serving. I cannot remember having a better meal, ever. This meal was not inexpensive and David wrote the whole cost off. I spoke to David before we left, "Leaving a tip would be an insult to your kindness, David. However, I want to make a contribution to a charity you represent." David accepted the offer and took my check for five hundred dollars saying he would use it to feed people at homeless shelters across town. We drove back to the hotel and the traffic light gods turned all the lights green. "Micky, we don't have to call it a night right away. Come in for another drink." Micky smiled broadly and accepted the invitation. In the room, Micky dropped into one of the lounge chairs; I mixed our drinks and sat in the opposite chair. "It isn't easy saying good by; unless there is a hello that follows. Let me say hello, Micky, and let me say you don't have to say good by unless you want." I tipped my glass to her and drank deeply. "Hello, Bob," Micky chimed leaving uncle unspoken. "Does your offer include tonight?" She drank deeply from her glass as well. The hour was closing in on 11:00 p.m., the wine and now our drinks were making us content and relaxed. "I have a clean T-shirt you can wear to sleep." We completed the over night sleeping negotiation and toasted the decision. Micky mixed another drink for us and rather than returning to her chair, she snuggled into my lap. "Kiss me, Bob. Kiss me like you did in the restaurant." The warmth of her 23-year-old body against mine was no longer that of my niece, it was that of a woman who sought a man's affection. I recalled her restaurant lament about having no real lasting relationships and sleeping in beds dozens used before her. I twisted my body and brought my lips to hers, we locked in a passion filled kiss and embrace. Our hands roamed the other's body feeling wantonness grow. Micky was young strong and firm in her breasts and butt. My hands tugged at her shirt pulling it over her head exposing her breasts encased in a tiny lace bra with a front clasp that popped open, fell away, and allowed beautifully firm and full breasts to fill my eyes. Micky tugged at my shirt, which joined hers on the floor. We returned to our kiss letting our hands explore bare skin. It did not take long for me to begin fondling Micky's butt and up the inside of her thighs right up to their junction. My hand went higher to the snap and zipper of her jeans. Micky wiggled out of her pants without leaving my lap. Her panty was a matching lace to her bra and came off smoothly with her jeans. My sister's naked daughter sat on my lap begging my touch and kiss. Micky fumbled with my button and zipper finally slipping off my lap to her knees between my legs. Quickly Micky freed my button and zipper to begin pulling my jeans and shorts off. I am not going to lie saying I am well endowed, yet I do measure up fairly well and Micky saw me naked and at full staff when my pants and shorts came off. Micky gently caressed my cock and balls, pulling and massaging. She was tender and loving in her touch, stroking my length and using my natural lube to ease her hand movements. I was close-eyed when I sensed a warm moist breath on my cock followed by Micky's tongue licking at my dick head. Then her mouth closed over my cock and sucked. I warned her to be prepared because I was already primed and would cum soon. Micky stroked and sucked harder as if daring me to cum. With a loud gasp, I began filling her mouth. Every blast I ejaculated, she swallowed and only turned me loose after every drop found her warm mouth. Micky moved to the bed and beckoned me. She was surprised and upset that I said no. I explained I did not want to take her on a bed where dozens of others had already spent themselves. I took her hand and sat her on the same chair I occupied. We kissed deeply before I began kissing down her body exploring her with my mouth and tongue. I took time adoring her breasts, licking at her cute little belly button, before making my way to the perfect triangle at the center of her being. Micky was shaking, twitching, rotating her hips upward to my face, her scent filled my nose and her musk tasted sweet in my mouth. Her tiny love button perched openly awaiting some attention and I offered it a tiny lick before kissing and licking her thighs just below the open petals of her vagina. When I finally made direct contact on her awaiting pussy and clit, Micky exploded in a wet gush of cum. She stiffened, took a deep breath, held it a couple of seconds before screaming out an intense orgasm. In a quick move, I slipped my cock into her still quaking pussy and that set off another orgasm. Her clamping muscles on my cock were tighter than vice grips. Micky slowly calmed down from two simultaneous orgasms before we began making love. Our lovemaking lasted long, was sweet and natural, and very fulfilling. We did not change positions throughout the entire session and in the end, we came together locked in a kiss and embrace. We knew what we did was incest and we did not care. Our after glow lasted many minutes before we got in bed to sleep. "Bob do you have to fly out tomorrow?" My ticket was as an open-ended bereavement flight and I knew I did not have to. Something in Micky's voice compelled me to answer, no. "I can stay a couple days longer but I do have assignments waiting. Micky, what are you asking or expecting?" We lay face to face our lips almost touching, our bodies fully sated from our lovemaking. "I want to be with you, Bob, with you everyday. It is wrong to love my uncle, yet love is what I'm suffering, for you. Don't jump to conclusions about being mom's brother, I want to take time off from modeling and be a woman for the man I love." Micky wrapped her arm around me and draped her leg over mine. "My bags are packed and in my car." I pulled her body to mine; she felt my cock straining against her. Micky rolled me on my back and mounted me. We began slowly and before long Micky pounded her pubic bone against mine and ground her clit into me with total abandon. We both came hard. As Micky collapsed onto my chest, I told her, "I'll cancel the flight when we wake up." It dawned on me as I drifted off to sleep, we just added our contribution to what dozens before us did. We slept in the same position we were in when our lovemaking ended and woke hours later. When we woke, the scent of sex was strong and our bodies reeked of sweat and cum. There was nothing sexy about us and we did not pretend. "Maybe we should shower, Bob," Micky smiled. She had to peal herself from me and I had to peal myself from the sheets. "You know, Micky, we did use the bed and added our contribution." Micky laughed standing at foot of the bed as I dragged sheets stuck to my back. Even sweaty, cum covered, and smelling bad, Micky was a sexy sight to gaze upon and I began to react. We darted into the bathroom where Micky, very unceremoniously, sat on the toilet and peed. I took my turn after her. We took washcloths and liquid body soap into the shower. After adjusting the water temperature, Micky twisted the shower nob and the warm spray hit us; we stood under the spray for a long time before beginning to wash. I massaged shampoo into Micky's hair as she stood with her back to me. Her beautiful butt rubbed against my cock in a provocative way, intentionally teasing me. I finished washing her hair and as she dipped her head under the shower spray, I bent at the knees giving my cock a clear path to her freshly washed pussy. With a push of my hips and a gasp from Micky, we joined at the hip a third time. We were in the shower much longer than I have ever been and after sex, we washed again. The hotel provided toothbrushes and toothpaste and Micky was able to take care of her oral hygiene. I had my clothes in my suitcase; however, Micky did not have fresh clothes. "Bob, please go to my car and get my powder blue overnight bag. I need clean clothes." As I left for her bag, I heard the hotel hair dryer blowing her hair dry. Micky's car was far enough away that I had time to ponder the last day and a half. Yes, I buried my sister. Yes, I was the only remaining member of my nuclear family. Yes, I felt the loss of my parents and sister. Yes, I grieved. Yes, I fucked my beautiful niece three times. Yes, I planned to cancel my flight. Yes, I planned to let Micky be my lover. With all these yes answers, was I able to say, yes, Micky I love you too? Or, was I taking advantage of a young beautiful woman who was grieving as much as me. "I ordered a light brunch for us, Bob. I'm guessing you are hungry as well." I acknowledged I was, kissed Micky, and thanked her for ordering. She took the bag and disappeared into the bathroom to dress. "I'll give you a show, but not the room service guy." Sure enough, room service arrived within a couple minutes. While I waited for Micky, I called the airline and canceled my return flight. Micky's brunch was fruit, cheeses, and lean ham. We ate the healthy mix while talking about plans. "I need to get back to Nebraska by the end of the week, Micky. I have two important deadlines that cannot wait past next Monday. Are you really taking a leave from modeling?" "I feel like people I love took a ride in the back seat while I made a name for myself. I wanted people to know me and since I was 16, seven years, I flaunted myself in front of cameras. I told you I have enough income from residuals and enough savings and investments to retire. I am not lying to you about love or about taking time off." There was sincerity in her voice that matched the sincerity my sister used. I could not imagine any way to fake the tone. "Micky, you have three siblings. Aren't you concerned about them, shouldn't you spend time with them?" A sad look spread across Micky's face, she was on the verge of tears. "I burned a few bridges, Bob. We are still family but it is going to take time to heal. You are the only one I did not try to escape from. Let me show you a picture." Micky showed me a well-worn picture of her as an infant held by her proud Uncle Bob. "Look at your eyes as you hold me, look. I always fanaticized about you holding me and yesterday I decided to go after what I want." "I could have rejected your advances. Where would that have put you?" Micky answered quickly, "You didn't reject me." ********** We decided that I would stay one more night and we would begin the long drive tomorrow. I made Micky take me to see her siblings asking her to start rebuilding relationships with them. We spent a tense afternoon and cried many tears. In the end, there were agreements to try being closer. We left our plans out of the conversation and avoided any appearance of our new status. As evening approached, Micky drove us to the grave sight and we stood quietly. Micky wrapped her arms around me and sobbed some more. For that moment, we were Uncle Bob and niece again. Uncle Bob & Micky byfadedgiant© We had an early dinner in the hotel and returned to my room. With plans to start our drive tomorrow, I began packing leaving out my road clothes. Micky had traveling clothes in her overnight bag and we were set for the morning. "Is it too early to go to bed, Bob," Micky asked in a sultry tone as she began pealing off her clothes. We quickly took care of toilet needs, finished undressing, and turned down bed covers. I was fully hard and I could tell Micky was ready, too. Her pussy glistened with her womanly moisture and her nipples swelled. "No foreplay, fuck me." I took my position as Micky aligned me with her waiting love nest. I took her at her word and drove in hard to the hilt. Micky gasped, moaned, and drew her legs up. I hooked her legs with my arms and drew them higher giving my cock more pussy to fuck. I pounded into Micky with total abandon as she begged me for more. Micky had a powerful orgasm but I did not relent from my bruising pounding of her cunt. I was possessed by some sex demon that drove me on harder. Micky was a full player; she got the fucking she asked for. As a second orgasm took over mind and body, Micky begged me to cum with her. Her second orgasm was huge and she went limp as my cock expanded and contracted shooting her full of my thick fertilizer. "Micky that was just plain raw fucking. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I panted into her ear after the power of our orgasms subsided. I released her legs and they fell like sacks to the bed. I could not imagine how; however, I was still hard and still filling Micky's pussy. "Bob, that was one hell of a bitch fuck! I loved it and I love you." Micky began kissing my neck and nibbling at my ear. I shifted slightly so we could kiss, kiss lover kisses. I slowly began moving my hips, sawing in and out of her cum drenched pussy. I wanted to make gentle love to Micky. "It is a little late to ask after two nights of lustful cumming in you, are you protected." I did not break my slow lovemaking and did not actually care what the answer might be. I began realizing I was falling in love with my niece and if baby made three, then fine. Micky looked me in the eye; I wondered if she saw my inner feelings. I wondered if she could see my growing love and acceptance of the consequences. "Make love to me Bob. All I want is your physical love, your emotional love, and your mental love. I want you in every way a woman wants a man. Maybe some day we will make a baby, but not now. Kiss me like you love me." We made love very slowly, neither trying to orgasm nor avoiding it. "I see love in your eyes, Bob. Is that love for me? Tell me, please." I did not try to answer immediately; rather I continued the slow dance of love. "Micky, if you see love in my eyes, then you see clearly. Yes, I love my niece and I am growing in love for a beautiful young woman." It was like flood waters bursting from a broken dam. Micky began to orgasm and cry at the same time. My emotions boiled over at her tears and her orgasm and I cried and came, too. "If you said you were not protected, I was ready to bring our love child into the world." That set off another round of sobs. Micky sobbed herself to sleep and I drifted off into a sound and blissful slumber. The scent of coffee drifted to my nose before I awoke and as I became conscious, I saw Micky in her naked glory smiling at me. "I am not very domestic, Bob. I never make coffee even for myself. Hopefully, I followed the directions." "First thing, the coffee smells good. Second thing, smell means it is good. Third thing, even if it tastes bad, it is delivered by the sweetest vision I could ever hope to wake up to or wake up with." I accepted the offered cup and tasted. Micky looked apprehensive as I set the cup down and rose from the bed. I stepped in front of her, took her into a loving embrace and kissed her apprehension away. "Excellent coffee, made with love and accepted with love. I better drink it before it gets cold because you are making me hot." We quickly showered, dressed, finished packing, and loaded the car. I settled the hotel charges and returned to the car. Micky sat on the passenger side telling me to drive a couple hours. "We can get something along the road when we take a break." I started heading toward the interstate with Micky telling me shortcuts. When I80 came into view and we merged onto it, Micky took out her cell phone. "This is Micky Watson calling for David Jones." I heard only half the conversation, Micky's half. "David, there are a of loose ends with my mothers estate. I'm taking some time off, six month at least, maybe a year." I guessed David was her agent because the next couple of sentences from Micky made me understand the pressures she must experience as a photo model with high face recognition. "David, do you think I don't know how much you make in real dollars from your cut of my residuals, and, that you've enjoyed that cut since I was 16? I am not some brainless blonde with no clue. I have decided to take time off to rebuild family ties and don't care. You know, a client can fire an agent just as an agent can fire a client. What way do you want it?" After a couple more minutes, the call ended. Micky made another call to her broker putting a hold on her assets blocking anyone from making deposits or withdrawals without her authorization. She made a similar call to her bank with the same instructions. "Bob, that is the life I live, well lived. I hope you understand why I want to escape. The glamor only shows after the photographer prints the pictures." I explained some of deadline pressures and how I fought publishers. This helped explain I somewhat understood. We rolled up on a large interstate rest area with a fast food restaurant on the border of Illinois and Iowa and stopped to have something as nutritious as fast food can produce. We took our food to a table where we sat side by side. "Bob, can we make Council Bluffs tonight? I want to visit grandma and grandpa's graves." Micky snuggled up and whispered, "I need to talk to them for a few minutes." I wanted to pry what she needed to talk about; however, I hugged her, gave her a chaste kiss and said yes. "It is about 400 miles to Council Bluffs and we will have to drive hard and take few breaks. But we can make it." With this new plan, we got back on the road. Micky slept for a couple hours and took over driving after a gas and bathroom break near Iowa City. "Watch out around Des Moines, I80 and I35 merge there and it is easy to get on the wrong road." I settled in the passenger seat for a little rest. Micky's car gets good gas mileage even at highway speeds and she stopped for gas neat Atlantic. "We are just a little over an hour from Council Bluffs, we can stay at the Horseshoe and visit the graves tomorrow. York is another three to four hours further." I started driving the last hour as Micky got on the phone again. "Horseshoe reservations, this is Micky Watson." Again, I was getting only half the conversation. "I need a suite tonight in Council Bluffs. ... That's right, tonight. ... Myself plus one. ... An hour maybe hour and a half. ... Just tonight." "You want to explain," I quizzed. Micky smiled and simply said something about contractual privilege. As we approached the casino and hotel, Micky told me to follow a different route into the hotel, handed me a pass card, and told me to swipe it through the card reader at the private parking entrance. As we parked, we were met by a Bell Captain, "Welcome Miss Watson your suite is ready and I will deliver your bags." We deposited the bags we needed on the ground, took the offered key card, and went to the private elevator. Micky clung to me tightly; I sensed a new emotion that must have something to do with being in Council Bluffs, the city where her mother and I grew up. "Bob, I love you. Tomorrow after I talk to grandma and grandpa, I will love you more. I promise!" If it was possible, I pulled Micky closer. "You want to tell them about us and get them to intercede for you with me. Am I right?" This is as close to prying as I felt necessary; Micky's next move seemed to confirm my suspicions. She poked me hard in the ribs and smiled. We arrived at our suite door where I scooped Micky into my arms to carry her across the threshold. Inside as the door closed, we kissed deeply with both passion and lust. We didn't break the kiss until the Bell Captain knocked with our bags. Micky made a point to tell the captain she was making a pleasure stop not business. I tipped him 50 dollars for two bags and he told us to enjoy our night. "Micky, lets go to the fitness center for an hour to work out these road kinks then we can order a salad for dinner. I am feeling stiff." "Bob, you are not stiff," Micky laughed as she rubbed her hand over my crotch. "But if you want to use the gym, lets change and go." We had a jog on the treadmills and worked out some on the weight machines before doing some cool down stretches. We both felt refreshed and limbered when we returned to our room and jumped into the shower together. Micky took immediate notice of the only muscle that had gotten stiff after the gym, "I hope that muscle stays stiff all night long." Micky bent to adjust the water giving me a perfect view of her pretty pussy and rosy red rectum. I was confused but decided on pussy. My cock slid in easily and Micky turned on the shower spray. Warm water cascaded down over us adding to the heat of our joined bodies. The shower is a fun place for sex, yet it does not allow for different positions. Our sex ended with a mutual orgasm and we both knew better sex would happen later in the king size bed. I was growing more in love with Micky. Room service delivered our salad and soup dinner. We talked about visiting the graves tomorrow. "Micky, how private do you want your time at the graves tomorrow? I can stay in the car while you have your time alone." Micky bowed her head for a moment then spoke, "I think I want you to hear everything. I want us there not you in the car waiting, together, lets tell them." Another brief silence then Micky spoke again, "Bob, tonight, please make love with me, cuddle me, kiss me, make me feel extra special." It saddened me a bit to hear those words, was I not making love, was I not making her feel extra special? "Micky, you are special and wonderful, worthy of love and loving. I want you to tell me what you want and need to make you feel extra special. Are you afraid that I think of you as the model on the glossy pages of some magazine? You are not a trophy notch on my bedpost. You are my beautiful niece, my beautiful lover, and, when I am honest with myself, you are my love." "That is a good start, a real good start. I want warm cuddling, sweet talk, and slow gentle sex with my lover. I want to spoon you and let you feel me. I want your baby in my belly someday and when that baby grows, I want you holding it and me forever." I pulled Micky to her feet, wrapped her in my arms, and waltzed her to music only audible in our minds. She rested her head in my chest as I stroked her back. I kissed the top of her head and continued our slow waltz. My passion grew as strong as my cock grew hard. Yet, this was Micky's moment and her desire for tenderness. With all the restraint of a superman, I cuddled her and kissed her head making no moves overtly sexual except knowing she felt my hard cock against her stomach. "Um, Bob, hug me tight, mold my body to yours. Dance me to the love seat so we can make out likes teens on a date." Micky lifted her head as she spoke and when she finished, I pulled her tightly against me, bent my head to kiss her lips. As I did, Micky moaned and pushed her hips against me. "You made me cum a little Bob," she sighed. "I like dancing to our own music and making love." "I am a little out of practice making out," I smiled. We danced across the room to the love seat. "I never had the teenage right of passage to make out with a boy. I was always in the spotlight, never allowed to be a young teen." The sound of dismay was clear in Micky's voice and I decided to give her make out session complete with boyish groping and a lot of teen 'if you loved me...' lines. We were wearing the hotel supplied terry cloth robes since our shower and nothing else. It was not going to be easy playing a teen boy and girl with so little clothing on but I tried to get into the roll. We sat on the love seat side by side, both knowing what was to come and both trying to be in character. "Micky, can I hold your hand, you are so pretty." I reached to touch her hand and tried to give her leg a touch. "You can hold my hand, Bob, but you can't touch me like that." Micky gave me a shy smile and offered her hand. We sat in silence for a while. "Micky, can I put my arm around your shoulder and hug you? You smell so nice." I was more than getting into the role; I was a teen boy again trying to seduce Micky. I let go of her hand and stretched my arm around her shoulder. "Be careful, Bob, I told you no touching my private places." I pulled her tightly to me although we continued sitting side by side. After a couple minutes, I let my palm drift low over her chest trying to feel a little breast. "I said no touching, Bobby. If you don't respect me, you can take me home." Damn, I was beginning to feel like a frustrated teen. After some time, I asked for a kiss and bent my head to kiss Micky. My opposite arm went around her waist to draw her body to mine. As we kissed a clumsy teenage kiss, my arm around her waist drifted higher to her ribs under her arm. There was just the slight hint of breast under my wrist with Micky's breasts tight against my chest. "That was a nice kiss, Bobby, do it again," spoke Micky softly. As I kissed her more deeply, she opened her mouth to me and with pensive movements, we touched tongues. My arm against her ribs slid more purposely to her soft firm breast. My hand touched her breast and a jolt of electricity shot through me. "I said no touching! Stop it!" Micky threw my arms and hands from her body and told me to take her home. Time for the teenage love lines, "Micky, you know I love you. If you loved me, you would prove it. You are so pretty, I can't leave you alone." Micky sat in a huff, cold and unresponsive. I got up in pretend anger and walked across the room to sit in another chair. "Take yourself home if that's what you want!" Micky leapt to her feet smiling, giddy and happy. "Bob, that was perfect! I feel like a teen girl and you gave me such a wonderful moment. You can take me to my new home tomorrow." "Come sit on my lap Micky, I need some more cuddles." Micky all but leapt onto my lap and settled in against me. We were arms and legs tangled in a snug cuddle with kissing and passion flowing. This was a real make out session that surely preceded our lovemaking. Micky twisted her limber body until she sat with her legs on either side of mine. Facing me, she kissed me deeply while opening both her bathrobe and mine. Again, as a teen sitting in a car, she exposed herself to me and me to her. "Will it hurt me when you put it in?" Micky was trying to play the virgin and I played along. "It might, Micky. Go slow." She wiggled her sweet butt higher on my lap, my cock touched her pussy, she was ready. Lifting a little higher, she made sure we were in the alignment then began lowering herself. Panting and obviously wanting, Micky let herself drop taking me fully. "Oh no, Bobby, it doesn't hurt, it feels good. Do you really love me?" I didn't answer. "Bobby, tell me. Do you love me!" I could not remain in character of a teenage boy any longer. I embraced Micky lovingly, tenderly, looked as deeply into her eyes as I could, "Yes, Micky. I do love you and want to make you happy tonight and for a million tomorrows. Not as a teenage boy trying to get a girl, but as a man in love with a sweet princess." Micky came hotly as I called her my sweet princess. I cupped her butt with my hands, picked us up, still joined, and moved us to the bed. Only when we fell to the bed did we disconnect. I spooned Micky to me and we resumed making love, just as slowly as Micky said she wanted. Micky began making stronger thrusts against me, her signal that she wanted more. I had no plans to do anything more than she wanted and began being more forceful with her. We built to a mutual orgasm of love, not just sex, and we both moaned and cried. "Thank you for a wonderful night, Bobby. I think you really do love me." We fell asleep in a lovers tangle. Like our first morning together, the scent of coffee brought me to my senses this morning and my naked goddess Micky served it with a sweet kiss. "You made me feel like a teen last night Bob. It was wonderful to pretend with you." Micky slid close on the mattress and nestled against my chest as I drank coffee. Micky's behavior was a little different this morning as her fingers lightly grazed against my skin playing little circles around my nipples down my torso and around my navel then lower to my cock. My cock was well on its way to proudly standing tall when Micky encircled it with her hand. "I want some of your special cream for my coffee," Micky breathed as she began working my cock, stroking it, and massaging it. I set my mostly empty cup down as Micky shifted her weight to straddle my stomach. "My hot little milking machine wants to pull you in. Can I milk you this morning?" Micky lay on my chest as she worked getting me to the verge of penetration. Then she sat up and my cock plunged fully into her warm moist cunt. Micky's face glowed with pleasure, she moaned as her pubic bone and clit rubbed my root. As Micky slowly rocked her hips against me, she spoke softly, "I am so alive, Bob. I'm happy. I have my love and my lover. Love me, Bob. Please love me." I pressed my fingers to my lips then pressed them against her. She kissed my fingers and I returned them to my lips. "Micky, since you were born I loved you. I held your tiny form in my arms and kissed my niece, kissed you. I held you to my heart and that was our first snuggle. How can I not love you now and not be in love with you, too?" Micky began riding me with more enthusiasm as she begged me give her my essence. "Oh, god, Bob. I feel it; I'm cumming for you. Oh, god! Oh, god, grandma and grandpa, can you hear me cum?" Micky sat hard on me and her scream could shatter glass. I pushed hard against her and delivered my contribution to our union. Our afterglow burned brightly as we snuggled and kissed. However, our plans for the day also included another four hours on the interstate after visiting the graves. We were content in our loving although we both knew we needed to get moving. With no ceremony, Micky jumped up, pulled me to the bathroom where we completed our morning toilet, showered, and finished our morning routines. As we dressed, Micky called the private bell captain to collect our bags. We met him in the garage near Micky's car. It was the same captain as last night and just as last night, I tipped him another fifty dollars and thanked him for taking care of us. Micky autographed a piece of poster art with her picture on it and told him to keep it, "Never know, could be worth something in another hundred years or so." The cemetery was on the opposite side of town. We stopped to pick out some flower arrangements for their graves and drove to their gravesites. "Bob," Micky asked very concerned, "are we doing the right thing, I mean right thing being together?" Standing at the graves, I held Micky's hand and answered. "No, we are not doing the right thing in the eyes of everything we ever learned about being family. Our last names are different and society doesn't need to know anything else. Let them think what they will about us, old guy and young well known beautiful model." We arranged the flowers in the little vases next to their head stones. We lingered a little while longer before Micky asked me to seal our graveside visit with a kiss. "Didn't you have something to say to grandma and grandpa?" Looking at me with a very contended smile, Micky said, "No, you already said it. Take me to my new home, Bob." "I have an idea, Micky. Why don't I take us to our home." We left the cemetery and started the boring four-hour drive across Nebraska to York. We arrived late afternoon and began unpacking Micky's possessions. "What about your apartment and furniture, Micky? Don't you have a lot more?" I presumed Micky had household goods and the normal collection people acquire. Micky laughed, "I was a kept woman, the agency owns everything in their apartment. Now that string is broken and all I own is stuffed in the trunk and back seat. And, you know something, Bob, I have the one thing I have always needed, someone to give my love to completely, emotionally, and," Micky's tone became sultry and provocative when she added, "physically." It did not take long for neighbors to learn that I now have someone living with me. When one of the older teens in the neighborhood discovered it was Micky Watson, talk really started. We showed up at the gym together, grocery shopped together, worked in the yard together. Neighbors saw that my appearance changed and that my continence was different. No one wanted to believe our story that that I knew her from birth; we did not care, and did not change our stories. Of course, we were silent about being related. Micky reestablished herself in York and her agent continued pressuring her to come back to work and after six months, Micky took an offer that had her working in Omaha for a photo shoot advertising the nationally ranked zoo in Omaha. Then other Omaha clients wanted her to model for them. Finally, the NCAA College World Series gave her a huge contract for print and TV ads, it was a contract for a quarter million dollars. Micky dropped a bomb after the college World Series gig. "Bob, I am not modeling any longer. I have something else I want to devote my time to, someone else I want to satisfy. And, I do not need an agent for him, for you. If I stop modeling, are you okay with that?" "I take it, Micky, you have already pulled the plug. How did your agent take it?" I watched as Micky only smiled. "He will survive, he is good at exploiting parents until girls get old enough to make their own choices, then he exploits them. I never fell completely under his spell and he knew it." It was a night for celebration in high order. We went to McDonald's for hamburgers, fries, and a shake then a stroll through the park. "Micky were you serious months ago about wanting to have a baby someday?" The look on her face was a mixture of confusion at the question, and love of the thought. "I want to someday, yes." We stopped to admire the fountain in the center of the park. "Don't the beads of water look like diamonds, Micky? I wish I could catch one and put it on your finger." Micky was even more confused but she soon realized what I meant. "Diamond, put one on my finger? Bob, are you? You are serious." Micky locked me in a hug and we kissed, kissed deeper and more lovingly than ever. My passion grew and Micky felt it. When Micky released me from her hug, I made it official by taking a little ring box from my pocket asking Micky to marry me. "Take me home, Bob. I want to say yes a few times." We scurried to the car and sped through town to our home. To my surprise, Micky said yes to me six times during the night. The final time came as the sun was just showing itself on the horizon. My sixth load of sperm was cocked and ready to shoot when Micky went completely stiff. An orgasm overtook her so strong that she stopped breathing for a few seconds before sucking in a deep breath a screaming yes, I'll marry you. I came with gusto I did not know I had. We did not set a date because we had to reconcile ourselves with her siblings and her father. The siblings were easier than father was and even he finally accepted us and agreed to give the bride away with no hint of our incest. When the family accepted our decision, we set a date for a spring wedding, four months off. Looking back on the sad day of my sister's burial has since become a happy day for Micky and I. I am not sure exactly; however, we believe our first baby was conceived on the anniversary of that date. We now have two kids, a boy eight and a girl six. We probably will not have more but we will not stop making love everyday. Now at almost 35, Micky has returned to modeling to modern women with careers and children. Micky demands the shoots are near York, because, "my family needs me and my husband loves me."

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