Ann On The Road Pt. 01

Ann On The Road Pt. 01 by Haunting© Part One: Old Baggage The Day Before Becca and I married in June and soon settled into a normal married life of work, weekends off, and the occasional vacation together. Of course, there was plenty of hot sex in the honeymoon phase of our union to spice things up. After that unforgettable first meeting, her mother Ann had come over occasionally but her visits were rare and she was always with somebody so another kinky threesome never developed again. I've got to admit though that after Becca's revelation about her mother's secret penchant for ass fucking that it was always on my mind when we socialized with her. Ann has the soft 36D-22-36 curvy body of a Penthouse pet which, in her tiny 4'-6" package, magnified her dimensions and always put her ass on display, a big ass wrapped in some tight skirt or painted on Capris wiggling deliciously just under her waist length jet black hair. Tick, tock...tick, tock...tic, tock!!When Becca and I made love on those evenings after our guests had gone home we always sizzled in the sack. Ann's daughter seemed to relish the fact that she knew that I was sometimes fantasizing about her mother while I fucked her. In fact, she was not only aware of my secret fantasies but would whisper hot hoarse encouragements about her mother into my sweaty ear until I drove her hard and deep and we locked together in mutual ecstasy, my exploding massive cock buried in Becca's flooding pussy as she arched and gasped. Over a year later, though nature was running its course, and our married sex was starting to cool and become less frequent. At times, my 10 inch cock almost felt neglected. The first time that my wife found me jerking off she looked shocked but I was too close and started shooting. Becca rushed over and licked and kissed my slimy meat and then fucked me silly. Things continued to cool. I worked as a consultant for engineering companies and had recently received an unusual request. A firm in California, representing a Japanese client having structural problems with an ancient covered bridge, asked me to take a close look at the Bridges in Madison County and see if I could find a solution. I told the firm that I would take the job. It was mid October and the leaves were nearing their peak of fall color promising a very scenic bridge tour as I searched for a photographic solution. I planned to leave in the morning with all my gear and had originally planned on Becca coming along for the ride, hoping to rekindle our sexual spark. However, just yesterday afternoon Becca was informed that she had to work a long shift at the hospital tomorrow so she suggested that I take her mother along in her place. I phoned Ann right away and she quickly agreed, even with such short notice. Becca seemed bitchy the rest of the afternoon and evening but I just passed it off as PMS or some vague female thing. After we finished eating supper I made a pass at her while we washed the dishes, cupping one of her big tits under her apron and then sliding a finger along the outside of her furry pussy but she tensed up and then ran off in tears. I finished the dishes alone. The doorbell chimed and, drink in hand, I went to the door. "Hi Cowboy!" Ann smirked with her hand on her hip then wiggled her way by me. She looked gorgeous, of course. My wife is an auburn-haired beauty, no doubt about it, but her mother is a stunner! Ann was dressed in a tight black pencil skirt that fit her like a second skin accentuating her luscious hips and allowing a hint of a panty line, a skirt so tight that I'll bet you could bounce a quarter off her ass! She topped that with a high necked satiny lacy something or other that put her 36D's on delicious display in a large fabric window. For effect she also wore a large salmon colored hat and veil that matched her frilly topped high heeled shoes and belt. Ann was carrying a small overnight bag in one black gloved hand and a long stemmed cigarette holder in the other. I swear that she looked like she had just stepped out of the Victorian era. She was wearing a subtle feminine scent that made my balls lift and tingle and my cock thicken as she passed by. I followed her into the living room like a dog panting after some bitch in heat, her heels clicking sharply on the oak flooring, her big ass seductively swaying like a metronome. Tick, tock...tick, tock,,,,tick, tock....tick, tock. "Whatever is the matter, dear boy, cat got your tongue?" " look...well...I..." "Where's my daughter?" "She...uh...she's not feeling...well...she's...." Ann laughed, handed me her bag, then kissed me on the cheek. "Becca?...Becca?...Are you home?" I placed Ann's bag in the foyer and heard my wife coming down the stairs. "Oh fuck, Mother! You look like some cheap 18th century whore!" "Nice to see you too, Dearie! Christ, no wonder you said your sex life is dwindling a bit if that's what you wear at home. That dowdy torn robe would make any man's cock wither and, by the way, my outfit is anything but cheap!" And they went at it...jawing chin to chin...mother and daughter. I refereed for awhile until I had enough and then went off to make myself a stiff drink. "Anyone else want one?" I queried from the wet bar. "YES!" they both shouted in unison and then laughed together, finally breaking the tension. I handed each of the women their drink and we all settled into an uneasy conversation. This was the first time that we three had been alone together since that wild tryst when I first met Ann but, for some reason, that little subject was carefully avoided by all. Ann yawned at some point and we all took that as our cue and went to bed, Ann in the guest room and Becca and I upstairs. I heard Becca brushing her teeth while I climbed into bed and turned on my side. Suddenly, the door closed, and locked!?, and my naked wife flung herself on me in third stage advanced horniness. "What the hell?" But Becca was having nothing to do with any conversation and attached her mouth to my quickly rising cock and shoved her wet dripping cunt into my face. She sucked and squirmed around on me until I picked up the mood. "Oh? So now, suddenly, you want me to fuck you, you slutty cunt?" I mumbled through her pussy hair. Becca absolutely oozed pussy juice at the sound of dirty talk coming from me. "Yeeeessss....but I want you to imagine that you are fucking my hot mother!" I reached up and twisted a nipple, hard, and Becca gasped, leered, and then tried to swallow my cock but only managed about half. I grabbed her ass and shoved my tongue deep into her pussy until, panting and gasping, I had to come up for air. My wife was jacking me hard now and turned around, her eyes glowing with sexual lust. I threw her down on the floor. She cried out and I lept on her pulling her legs wide apart exposing her very demanding pussy and rammed my cock all the way in. Becca's face twisted with pleasure and pain but she soon became all scratching nails, frantic humping, and love bites...on my neck, on my shoulder, on my arms. She came once, twice, then a third time when I sucked her stiff nipples and called her a whoring slut. I felt my toes and then my balls start to tingle and drove even harder into Becca's cunt while she wrapped herself around me. "Yes...YES....fuck Ann's poor little cunt....Oooohhh it's getting bigger....FUCK ME HARD!....YES!...Ram that big fucker in me!!...." Powerful pulses of hot cum completely filled her pussy and then started oozing out around my embedded prick. Becca and I collapsed together in the sensual afterglow billing and cooing like too lovebirds as the occasional love spasm of my wife's sated cunt milked a few more drops of semen from my delighted cock. Becca roused just enough to drag a blanket from the bed over us and we fell into a lovers' dream-filled sleep. I woke in the middle of the night halfway expecting to find that Becca's mother had silently appeared in our room but that was not the case for this occasion so I drifted off once again as Becca sleepily snuggled closer, puling my hands to her breasts. I didn't hear the alarm go off or my wife dress but I did feel her kiss my cock and squeeze my nuts just before she headed off to work. Road Trip When I finished my shower I smelled coffee brewing so dressed quickly and found Ann in her robe lounging on the front patio enjoying a steaming cup. I joined her and we chatted some about the way the sky looked this morning. October always seems to have its own special kind of blue. "Sounds like you and my daughter had a pretty good time of it last night." came out of nowhere as my mother in law sipped her coffee and looked at me over the rim of the big steaming cup. "Oh? Did we keep you awake? Sorry." but I smiled in spite of myself. "Oh yes, I see just how sorry you are!" she mocked. "She is my wife, you know, and sex is kind of natural in a marriage." I teased. Ann tossed the dregs of her cup to the side and stalked into the house. "Fuck you! You could have at least included me in your little romp!" came over her retreating shoulder and I could only stare. I finished my cup while waiting for Ann to reappear. The paper had nothing of any significance to report and my gear was already stowed in the trunk. "Ready, Freddy?" My mother in law was obviously ready to go and I turned to get the door for her. My jaw hit the floor. She looked like she had just stepped out of the glossy pages of Vogue magazine. She had on the same revealing blouse from last night but had replaced the pencil skirt with a tight black wet velvet miniskirt that put her hips and big ass on display. Her dark hair fell glistening around her shoulders and a smear of fresh purplish lipstick finished the look. "Ann, you look..." "Yes?" she smiled. "How do you spell 'heartbreaker'? You look fucking gorgeous!!" "Why thank you, dear boy! " she said patting my cheek. "Shall we go?" "Yeah...." "Uh hmm..." she cleared her throat. I just stared. "Uh hmmmm!!" louder this time. "Hmmm? Oh. Oh!" and I opened the car door for her. She turned and stepped into the car. Her skirt rode up even higher and the sight of her purple panties framed in the tanned flesh above the dark lace of her thigh-high nylons gave me a hard on that she quickly noticed. "Why, thank you!" she said in her little girl voice and patted my tented slacks. "My God! I almost forgot how huge you are!" she whispered. I climbed in, a little awkwardly, and we were off for Madison County, about a 90 minute drive. The ride passed quickly as we chatted some about whatever or just passed the miles in silence. My mother in law discovered my new iPod FM tuner and had fun playing with it while I had fun watching her. I am a careful driver, usually, but sexy Ann was one hell of a distraction! Ann pulled a golden monogrammed flask from her purse and offered it to me. I declined. She took a deep pull, offered it again. I refused, again. She laughed and called me some name under her breath and then nipped at it pretty steadily the rest of the way to Madison County. By the time we took a pit stop to stretch our legs she was feeling no pain and giggling at everything. We pulled into Winterset just before noon. Of course there is only one place to have lunch in that town now and I parked at the Northside Café, made famous by the movie Bridges of Madison County. This is the small town restaurant where they filmed the scene where Clint Eastwood had lunch and met the shunned adulterous Lucy who later was befriended by the adulterous Francesca. Hell on Wheels This time I had the presence of mind to open my mother in laws door and again enjoyed the view of her stretched purple dainties. Ann had the body of a young athlete. She staggered against me briefly but got her sea legs, kind of, and we entered the cafe. As I have said my wife is a natural beauty and I have seen the effect she has on a room but when Ann strutted into the café every man's head in the room turned, literally! "Tick, tock...tick, tock...tick, tock...tick, tock..." her heels echoed on the floor. They clicked, her hips swayed in a haunting rhythm, the men stared, and their women fumed. Ann paused and then announced loudly, "I wonder which seat that local slut Lucy sat in, Mark? That's where I want to plant my big ass for dinner!" and she tittered into her gloved hand like some jaded schoolgirl before zeroing in on a seat at the counter. The men smiled and nodded, staring at her wiggling ass, and their women fumed while I about dropped through the floor in embarrassment, and a little anger. "Jesus, Ann! Take it easy!" I whispered into her ear when we sat down. "Fuck that! I am on vacation, honey!" and she smiled ever so sweetly. Our waitress showed up and I swear that she could have been a twin to the one behind the counter in the movie scene. Significantly overweight, with a little white apron over her tentlike dress, and even little white socks above her black flats. To complete the simile she frowned and carelessly tossed a menu at Ann. "Want something....?" The word "slut" went unspoken but hung provocatively in the air, air that smelled like old cooking grease. I opened the menu smiling sheepishly and then, out of the corner of my eye, watched my mother in law's mood transform. "Why you fat odious pig! How dare you speak to me like that?" she spat venomously. All eyes turned and locked on the waitress. "" managed the mound of a waitress obviously not used to being challenged on her own turf. Everyone focused on Ann. "I'd like a hamburger and fries." I tossed out in a pitiful effort to deflect the developing scene but my feeble words fell on angry deaf ears. "Oh, is "odious" beyond your pea sized brain, bitch? Well, how about 'You are a stinking scab of shit, you fat, pig eyed, diseased, CUNT!!" Ann sneered rising from her seat ready for battle, her tiny skirt riding high putting her panties and ample ass on even more open display. The men stared hard at her glorious ass while the women in the room again locked their eyes on the quivering waitress. I tried pulling Ann's skirt down but she swore and slapped my hands away making my blood instantly rise. "Hank....HANK!" bellowed the waitress turning tail and running, defeated, from the room in tears. Some of the locals clapped and cheered witnessing the domineering priggish waitress finally getting her long overdue comeuppance. "And what the FUCK are YOU looking at?" shrieked Ann turning on the nearest man leering at her almost bare butt. "Here! You want to stare? Take a good fucking look!" Ann, my mother in law, ripped open her top displaying her perfect tits hanging in a lacy nothing of a bra and then bent over grabbing her ankles and pushed her ass practically in the face of the man whose mouth hit the floor as his wife hit the roof and, claws out, tried to climb over her man to get at Ann. I just stood there in shock. "Oh? You want even a closer look, hun? How's this?" and my mother in law pulled her thong to the side exhibiting her carefully shaved pussy to the world. The outraged woman shrieked, kicked, and spat as her husband pulled her down practically tackling her in their booth. At that precise moment Hank, the manager, showed up and I watched his expression shifting around from anger, to amazement, to lust, and finally back to anger as he regained his proper demeanor. "YOU! GET HER OUT OF HERE! NOW! ...I'm calling the cops!" The word 'cops' broke the spell for me and I nodded and immediately grabbed the obscenely posing Ann, slung her over my shoulder, causing one of her juicy breasts to pop out of the inadequate bra, and started for the door. Some people were laughing now really enjoying the show but most of the crowd were just silently staring at us as I struggled with the wooden-framed screen door with one hand and a squirming half-naked mother in law with the other. "FUCK YOU! FUCK ALL OF YOU!" she yelled. I turned her around and hauled through the doorway, ass first. "You still want something else to stare at, you small town FUCKS? How's this?!" she shrieked as I continued to retreat toward the car. She tore her blouse farther open and tugged her other tit loose and shook them both back and forth and round and round. Finally reaching the car I threw Ann into the backseat and dove into the driver's side and locked the doors before she could climb back out. I was furious as I started the car and slammed it into reverse, squealing tires, barely missing a new truck parked nearby. The Northside Restaurant's windows were crowded full of gawking laughing diners, the overflow coming out onto the sidewalk. Ann flung herself at the car window, pounding on it with her tiny fists, so enraged that nothing came out of her mouth. She powered the window down as I shoved the car into drive and threw one of her shoes at the gawkers. One of them caught it and danced around holding it like some damn trophy! When the window came down I could hear the faint sound of a distant siren growing louder and really put the pedal down. I slammed around some corners and quickly found a big wooded park on the south edge of town. We slewed around the corner near a bridge. I slammed on the brakes near a big clump of bushes and then carefully eased into the foliage while praying we would be hidden from view. "Can you believe those....." "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I demanded at the top of my lungs. I couldn't believe the heat and sound of my fury and a stunned Ann wisely obeyed, snapping her mouth shut. The sirens grew and faded and grew and faded dopplering around us for awhile. The lone cruiser whistled by the park once and then, later, drove by very slowly, a small town cop in his retro cop's hat looking carefully our way. Ann was practically exposing herself in the window as she peered back but, thankfully, he never saw us and finally drove away. Secret Revelations in Winterset City Park "That was close..." slurred Ann who once more had started nipping at her flask. "I said...SHUT UP, YOU CUNT!" I roared still amazed at my residual anger. "And give me THAT FUCKING BOTTLE!" and I ripped it out of her hand and poured down a big gulp, followed by another, followed by another, and still one more draining out the last drops as I fumed in silence keeping my eyes peeled for the cops. I sourly looked at the empty metal flask and caught drunken Ann's eyes in the rear view mirror. I slowly lowered my window and then flung the container into the nearby creek watching it splash into the middle, upright, and then float in the current for a while slowly sinking as it wound through the small riffles until it finally disappeared. The October air smelled of the fresh creek water, decaying leaves, and wet earth and I lowered the other windows too and then reached into my glove box for another flask that I kept stashed there. I found that the alcohol on an empty stomach was maintaining my anger as I nipped steadily at my bottle. "Can I have a little snort, too?" I just looked daggers into her misty eyes through the mirror again and took another swallow. My mother in law started to cry and I looked at her again in disgust. "Shit! Can't you at least cover yourself? No? Oh, I forgot, you ripped your blouse in that FUCKING RESTAURANT, YOU SLUT!" Now she was really crying and I couldn't give a shit. I took another swallow and watched her through the mirror. Tears had ruined her makeup and were streaming darkly down her cheeks and neck in purplish streaks that caressed her naked tits and dripped from her nipples. Ann caught me looking at her swaying mascara-streaked boobs and made a useless attempt at putting them back into her bra and closing her ripped blouse. "Oh! Oh, now I finally get it!!....I exploded pounding on the steering wheel. "A fucking WHORE IN PUBLIC...but the demure little BITCH in my FUCKING CAR! FUCK YOU, Ann! AND STOP YOUR DAMN CRYING!" Crying turned to shaking sobs as I turned my gaze back to the stream flowing through the woods. The muted but beautiful fall colors reflecting on the water reminded me about the whole reason for this trip which would probably now take another day and my sullen anger redoubled turning once more to rage as her crying continued. "DAMMIT!" I stuck the flask in my pocket and jumped out of my car. I tore open her door, slapped my mother in law hard, and then yanked her out of the back seat by her thick mane of hair. She was snuffling and yelping and more than a little afraid as I dragged her by the hair toward the nearby curved stone bridge. Once there I first flung her to the grass and then roughly dragged her over my lap. "What are you...?" "Smack!" the flat palmed slap to her luscious ass echoed in the woods. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" she demanded trying to squirm free. I grabbed her wrists and twisted both of her arms hard behind her back as she squirmed harder. "Smack! Smack! Smack!" "FUCK YOU! LET ME GO!" she raged and slurred. "I'LL TELL Becca!" "Oh...that's a good one, Mom!" I laughed. "Cunty mother tells daughter!...Smack!" that last stinging slap on the ass brought some pain to my hand so I looked around and saw a long thin broken twig at my feet. Perfect! "Kerack!" "Ow!" "Crack! Crack!" "DAMMIT, THAT REALLY HURTS!" "Crack!" "OOW! Please stop!" "That's better, you cunt, but not quite good enough!" "What do you mean?" I held her in place over my legs with one firm hand and then pulled her skirt up baring her reddened and faintly striped ass. "It's about time I get a private close up of what you like to show in public, BITCH!" and I took a deep pull on the flask and offered it to her. "You might want some for this next phase, CUNT!" "NOOOO...." "Suit yourself!" I felt a strange sense of some vague deja vu as I raised the whip-like twig high above my head. "Snap!" I cut her protests short with a sharp snap of twig to her beautiful bare ass, rippling the offended flesh. "Please stop!" she gasped in pain and abject humiliation. "Snap! Snap! Snap!" "OW! OW! OW! PLEASE!" "Please what, 'MOM'?" "Snap! Snap!" "Please!" she sobbed in genuine contrition, "Please stop....I'll do anything....anything....." she wailed dropping to her knees and hugging my legs. "Anything, you gorgeous outrageous bitch?" "Yes!" she nodded enthusiastically. "Only please stop whipping me!" "Well....I don't know. That was one hell of a scene you "whipped up" back there you know. What the FUCK was that anyway? I've seen plenty of bitches in my time but you definitely take the cake, lady!" "Please?" and she smothered my hands, and the offending branch in kisses. "OK!" "SNAP!" Eyes wide she arched up, jutting out her magnificent knockers, as I delivered the last blow to her projecting tamed ass. "What was that for?" my mother in law sobbed as I slung the offending twig into the dark underbrush. "For effect!" I said rudely pushing her off my lap and walked toward my vintage Lincoln. Ann staggered to her feet and carefully squirmed her skirt into place wincing some at the wounds that had been inflicted. She still stumbled a bit as she followed obediently along 2 steps behind me and rubbing her smarting bottom. When I saw her following technique, drunk as she was, a light bulb went off somewhere in my brain and I realized that she may have been well trained by somebody in her past. I was feeling no pain either by now and felt my cock growing as darkly sensual thoughts demanded front and center. As a test of my theory I took a slightly meandering path toward the Lincoln still hidden in the bushes. As if on a short leash (Now there's a particularly nasty little idea!) my mother in law attentively followed precisely 2 steps behind. "Atta girl!" I thought to myself. For the last little distance I varied my speed but Ann unconsciously and precisely matched both my speed and direction. "What a good little slave!" I mused to myself. I circled the Lincoln once and she followed maintaining her 2 step distance, her gorgeous misty blue eyes glued to my feet. Still testing, I started around the car a second time. "Why are you walking in circles?" she murmured but kept the exact distance and speed. I just kept walking in silence. "I don't get it...OH!(Her hand rose to cover her mouth)...NO!" and she came to a sudden stop shaking her head in disbelief still rubbing her sore bottom. I knowingly looked her in the eye for a long moment and then resumed walking holding her gaze. After just a few steps I saw her hesitate, take a deep breath, quickly catch up, and then follow....always exactly 2 steps behind me at the correct speed. Feeling that we had just passed beyond some occult barrier I led and my mother in law followed our eyes locking together on the turns as we walked a strange silent tango of trained sensuality around and around that big old Lincoln. With each fresh lap around my car I could see her humiliation and obedience grow and then overflow into gratitude, the heartfelt gratitude of a truly submissive female who has had her soul deliberately exposed and understood by a master. I finally stopped and smiled at Ann. A soft genuine smile of complete understanding. She blushed and then looked at her feet in shame, and suppressed joy, tears falling delicately off her long curling lashes into the decaying shriveled leaves at her tiny feet. "How did my son in law know? Who had he trained? How did that relationship even begin? How long had they been together? Does he really want me, his mother in law, in this manner? What about Becca?" she longed to know all these questions but couldn't ask. "Oh...this is just too delicious for words!" "Who was my mother-in-law's first master? Was he kind, or cruel? When did she know? How did he know? How did they start? She is so fragile right now, so exquisite, so exposed!" "Does Becca know?" I finally said out loud. She looked up with tears shining brightly in her lovely eyes. "No." she whispered faintly in complete humiliation. I looked at her again in a long silence punctuated by the voice of a watching wood...creaking trees holding the light afternoon breeze in their multicolored leaves, birds chirping and flitting about, mournful cicadas buzzing their sad song about an approaching winter, the stream flowing past in a wet gurgle. Ann looked at her feet daring a glance now and then with a furtive embarrassed smile while she occasionally rubbed her sore bottom and shuffled her feet like a young girl. Precisely at that moment I knew that I had fallen in love with the mother of my wife. "Will Becca tolerate such a relationship? Would I, or even should I, tell her? Should I just let Ann go or should I accede to her hidden unbidden needs? How will I work it all out?" the questions flew through my mind as I stood there enjoying the profound beauty of a submissive in the serenity of the moment in Winterset City Park. "Mark?" "Yes?" "What do we do now? "What do you want me to do, Ann? This is potentially so complicated I'm not sure how to proceed." "I've always believed that honesty is best." "Alright. What do you want me to do, Ann?" I repeated. "It has been a long time since my only submissive relationship, decades actually. I was 17 and he was 42. My master was really a kind and gentle lover who first discovered and understood my, uh, well, my peculiarities. Becca's father and I divorced because he never knew me, really knew least this side of me." "Ann, you don't have to tell me all this...." "But I want to and you need to know especially if we decide to go down the path of master and submissive, together." "I love your daughter, you know. I will never leave her or hurt her." "I know." "I think that I have heard enough for now." The serene song of the woods rose around us as we again stood in silence, Ann looking at the ground. "God, she is so beautiful! And it has been so long since my only other relationship with a submissive woman. What do I do? I won't fuck up my marriage but do I just let her mother go?" "Here's the facts as I see them, Ann. You and I are both buzzed right now and I happened to stumble onto your secret. I really need some time to decide what, if anything to do about it, and so do you. Why don't we just table this for now." "As you wish, son." "Just one more thing." "What's that, Mark?" "Did you deliberately stage that "little" set to in the restaurant?" "Well, I didn't do it, consciously, if that is what you are implying, but the aftermath has been interesting, don't you think?" and she giggled and briefly exposed her awesome breasts to the afternoon sun. I roared with laughter until she joined in and then I embraced my mother in law with a big bear hug and twirled her around until, dizzy, we fell to the ground, her tits spilling out into the open once more. We laughed some more and then I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss that was returned. We looked into each other's eyes and then kissed with a hot passion that left us both breathless. Driven by some vague hope of salvaging part of a work day I ignored my growing hard on and helped Ann to her feet. I then winked at her suggesting that she might want to change her blouse. And, let me tell you, watching her change in the shade of the Winterset City Park was a treat that I will never forget! Finally, The Bridges! After all that excitement it was still only 1:30. I drove cautiously on the edge of town and discreetly parked in an alley behind a convenience store so I could score some lunch for us. I went in by myself and then quickly bought some water, beef jerky, a couple of hot dogs, and two glazed doughnuts with sprinkles for dessert and beat a hasty retreat, pausing just long enough to grab a free map of the Bridges. Fortunately, there was no sign of any patrol car and we FLEW out of town and approached the first, Hogback Bridge. Ann wanted to make nice and thought we could use a picnic table cloth, that she had just happened to bring along, for our makeshift lunch. "OK....but you need to set it all up. I have to get to work right away." Ann scurried about while I set up my tripod and started snapping shot after shot. Nice thing about digital photography is that you can really take almost endless photos, screening them as you go. "Lunch is ready!" "I've got to get underneath first, you go ahead and start without me." "I'll wait, hon." [Hon??] I glanced over at my mother in law who sat, quite demurely now, on a nicely laid out cloth sipping at her bottled tap water from someplace in France. Leaving my tripod behind I took a few closeups of some structural flaws with the bent lag bolts and then walked down through the brush to shoot underneath. A big garden spider had spun a magnificent web and I managed a National Geographic type shot which included dew sparkling in the sunlight, great web and huge spider...but I hate spiders! I gave it a wide berth. I focused tightly with the digital zoom on the lower part of the structure that held the roadbed but couldn't quite see the immediate and critical connection I was after. The Japanese were trying to amend some similar metallic strain and creep that was showing up on their old bridges so I needed a comparison of similar defects and then an excellent example of revamped connections that worked. I kept snapping photos while lost in my work and the wonderful veneer of thought that problems of physics and engineered design add to everyday analysis. "Sure are a lot of spider webs on the wood, aren't there?" I about jumped out of my skin and dropped the camera into a big clump of weeds. "Fuck! Don't ever do that again!" I thrust my hand into the wildflowers and fished out my very expensive camera which had a spider crawling on the lens. "Goddammit! Fucking spiders!" and I flicked it off with my fingernail. "He was an ugly one!" "Ann, get the hell back to the car and let me work!" "I'm hungry!" she pouted. "Well then, fucking eat! Just leave me alone!" She reluctantly moved away and I continued my efforts taking some time to find my place again on the structure. About 30 shots later I was still a bit pissed off but had finished with Hogback Bridge. I scrambled back up the bank and didn't see Ann anywhere. After stowing my gear I went over to the picnic spread and sat down. My stomach growled. The jerky looked good so I tore off a big chunk of the teriyaki flavored meat and started chewing wondering where my mother in law had wandered off to. It was saltier than I expected so I washed it down with some water and then caught a glimpse of movement to right. "Yoo hoo! Oh, yoo hoo! Here's a picture you haven't shot yet!" she called out in her girlish high pitched voice. I looked closer and then almost choked on my jerky. What I saw next made me laugh, hard! Ann had found a weathered hole in the bridge siding and was thrusting her bare breasts through it into the afternoon sun. "Ha, ha, ha!" When Ann knew I had her attention she pulled her tits back into the shaded interior and then shoved her big bare ass out through the same opening. I just laughed and enjoyed the show. The sounds of a car pulling up made Ann's butt disappear in a wink followed by some muffled ruffling noises and some girlish cussing as she dressed in a hurry! Some tourists slammed their door and came walking up to the entrance, nodding politely and I waved. They paused at the opening to the bridge just as Ann came swishing past them adjusting her bra strap and squirming her skirt down at the same time. She had gotten just a few steps past them when they whispered together and then turned saying something to her. Ann replied and then they said something else. Even from my distance I could see her body tighten just before she bowed low and then flipped them off. They laughed at her, so she flipped them off again, behind her rolling ass, while she turned on her heel and strutted toward me. I was chewing on some cold pizza, which was pretty damn good by the way, when my mother in law sat down beside me still fuming. "Fuckers!" "What did they say?" "They wanted to know if I was the lady they had seen at the restaurant in Winterset." "That doesn't sound so bad...Why did you give them the bird?" "When I said that was me the "man" asked if he could have another look." "That would do it!" "Damn right it would, so I flipped them off!" I handed Ann the other slice of untouched pizza and she tore off a big mouthful, angrily shoving it in and absently chewing as she stared at the bridge. "Awww....forget it, Mom. Let's just enjoy the lunch." Ann spit out her pizza, jumped to her feet and then stalked back to the bridge. "I told you...don't call me mom! It makes me feel old. Better hurry and get your camera out...just point it at that hole!" she said her voice, but not her anger, fading as she walked away from me. I did as she suggested and jumped for the trunk and just managed to get it aimed and steadied before I heard some muted yelling and struggling inside the old bridge. Then to my amazement a head and shoulders appeared at the opening but it wasn't Ann, it was the male stranger. I zoomed in closer and saw that he had what looked like a purple thong over his head and in his mouth and he was bellering like a wounded bull. I froze for a second and then started laughing and shooting as the stranger struggled trying to free himself from the grip of the old red bridge turning almost as purple as the thong in his rage. Ann came sprinting back out into the sun yelling and laughing her heels dangling from her hands. "Let's get the HELL out of HERE!!" I took one more quick shot just as the head popped loose. The bellering started up louder as Ann dove into the front seat. I grabbed the tablecloth and tossed it into the back seat and jumped in fishing for my keys. "Find them! Find them!" urged Ann her eyes wide and starting to laugh. The wild eyed male tourist had appeared at the bridge entrance and screamed when he saw us in the car. "Better go....better go...NOW!" insisted Ann with a tinge of fear in her high pitched voice. I finally found them and then scrambled around with the ignition. The tourist, followed closely by his irate wife, was slinging rocks at us as he ran our way. "Damn!" I said hearing one hit the hood. Ann grabbed my hand steadied it and then shoved the key into the slot turning the motor to life. "GO!" she yelled as I stomped on the gas in reverse, the tourist still gaining on us. As I slewed around and hit the brakes the stranger, cussing and streaming curses, flung himself on my car latching onto the trunk lid. I floored it again, fishtailing, and then watched the tourist get flung into the grassy overgrown ditch. He rolled some and then got up and started down the road in the dust cloud kicked up by my fading car. His wife was also yelling and cussing and shaking her fist as they finally disappeared from view. "I think we had better find an alternate route to the next bridge." I laughed and turned quickly aside onto an old grassy jeep trail in a hilly pasture. I slowed down to eliminate any visible dust and drove just over the first hill and out of sight from the road. I shut off my car and then turned to look at my mother in law who still looked a little frightened. "Take it easy, Ann....they won't see us, even if they do come this way." "Are you sure?...I don't know....I...I...well, they will damn sure never forget meeting me...." and she kept looking in the rear view mirror and licking her pouty lips. We heard the sound of a car winding up on the dirt road, followed by some faint cursing that quickly dopplered past us. Soon after the windblown dust from the speeding car drifted over us and I rolled up the windows for a minute until it had passed. Ann and I sat in silence for awhile until we were sure they hadn't seen us and doubled back. A car did come by again on the road but you could tell from the sound that it was traveling at a slower steadier speed. We also heard no swearing or yelling just the sound of crickets in the pasture around us. A lone cow crested the hill and walked steadily toward us on an old rut of a hollow dirt path. Her full udder swayed and her head bobbed as she walked. When she got to the car that cow just stopped and stared. She chewed her cud and looked and looked some more switching her tail and stomping one of her hooves at some offending flies. We looked at her and she looked at us with wide round brown eyes licking her mouth with a huge wet tongue. "How now brown cow?" Ann giggled. "Moooooo!" "MOOOOOOOO!!" came the loud reply. We just laughed but that cow didn't budge. "Moooooooo!" "MOOOOOOOO!" "Well, Ann, ready to go? I think we should be safe now." "OK....but just once more....Mooooooooo!" "MOOOOOOOOO!" answered the cow. "OK! Let's give the cow her pasture back!" I said and slowly backed up the jeep trail looking for a turn around spot. "Oh, Mark, look! Isn't that cute?" said Ann squeezing my arm. As soon as we had unblocked her path that cow put her head down and proceeded to plod forward again, bobbing her head, and swishing her tail, just like we had never been there. Obviously she was following a well used trail to a barn for milking and a mouthful, or two, of food. I turned my attention to the map and decided to pass on the Cutler-Donahue bridge because it looked too "modern" to me and decided to head for the Cedar, Holliwell, and Roseman Bridges. A cursory examination of the Cedar Bridge showed me that I would not find my answers there. We wound through the colorful fall foliage in search of the Holliwell Bridge and, wouldn't you know it, the couple that Ann had offended were there taking pictures too. We parked out of sight of the bridge for awhile and listened to our stomachs growling, that "lunch" just hadn't quite fit the bill. The tourists looked like decent people but their Utah plates labeled them as people out of the "Redneck Belt", western rednecks come to Iowa for the fall Bridges tour. "Bet that redneck bastard won't forget me for a long while!" "Or, your purple thong!" and we laughed and laughed. They finally drove slowly away in the other direction and I got out and shot quickly now as the sun started its ancient march toward the horizon. My mother in law stood nearby and took in the beautiful scenery as I clicked frame after frame. Unknown to Ann I also took some of her as she moved around, images for my private fantasy collection. She yawned and stretched and I caught that pose too, wonderful! Underneath Holliwell the structure was interesting but still not quite what I was looking for but I snapped quite a few anyway for future reference. When I got back to my Lincoln I found Ann snoring softly in the back seat and took a few more pictures of her ass while she slept. The female form is a delight of curves and symmetry and some women, like Ann, just leave a man breathless. My mother in law continued to sleep, pass out is more like it, as I got in and started the car. I thought for a minute and then decided to ignore my stomach and try one more bridge. The sun was just starting to set as I approached Roseman Bridge, made famous by the Eastwood movie. Since I was so short on time I decided to skip the tripod and began my photo study of the old structure. The covered wooden bridges are quite rustic and offer a glimpse into a past of simpler times. Inside I got excited when I discovered some evidence of creep and strain in the structural attachments. The sun was tickling the horizon when I slid underneath Roseman and I had to use my flash for the shots here. I took 3 shots and then...paydirt! I flashed images for about 5 minutes knowing that this was what I had been looking for all along. The large roadbed attachment bolts had become stressed with growing equipment and truck loads as time had advanced stretching and bending and tearing into the heavy timbers. The clever craftsmen of the past had noticed this and designed a new supporting structure that was close to the original design but not obtrusive...exactly what the Japanese client needed and the California firm expected. Smiling inside, I zoomed and clicked, zoomed and clicked, and then quickly changed the lens to a wide angle and finished the successful shoot. Back at the car Ann was awake again and trying to fix her makeup in the visor mirror. She primped and fussed while I put my camera away and then organized the gear. "How did it go?" "Great! Roseman Bridge had the answers that I needed." "I knew you would do it today, Cowboy!" she winked from under her eyelash curler. "Becca married a smart one this time." "Speaking of my wife I had better give her a call." "You do that." Ann replied and returned to her efforts at beautifying herself. "You know, Ann, you really don't need any of that. You would look great in a burlap bag!" I said staring at her tits jutted out and jiggling as she worked in the cooling dusk. "Why thank you, hon!" I just kept staring. "Uh, Mark? Becca? Remember?" she laughed and then started fluffing out her hair. "Huh? Oh yeah!" I called my wife from my cell phone and listening to the rings change over to the answering machine. That was odd. "Hi Becca. I finished the shoot and obtained the pictures I needed for my client. Don't wait up since we are getting a late start back. See you later!" "That was strange." "Oh?" Ann offered smearing lipstick on her full lips and then smacking them together. "Yeah, Becca wasn't home and she is always home by now. Wonder if she is OK." "I'm sure she is just fine. Probably stepped out to go the store or something." "We always shop on Saturday and usually she is so tired after a long shift that she just vegges out before bed. Hmmm. Well, maybe she had something come up with the Guard. Her unit has been on call for awhile and maybe had a drill or something. But she always let's me know....." Ann closed her lips over a tissue to absorb any excess. "Oh, enough about my daughter already! She is a big girl and I'm sure she's OK. Now, what about me? How do I look, Cowboy?" I laughed and turned my eyes from the fading orange glow on the horizon to my mother in law and gawked. Always a head turner anyway she looked simply stunning and in this dimming light, in such close proximity, I could smell her freshened scent tickle my nose and then my balls, bringing immediate wood. Her skirt had ridden up high on her toned thighs, tanned thighs now framing a dark tangle of feminine mystery and promise. My thickened prick noticed immediately and was now wanting a wet soft feminine pasture to romp around in. "Well?" she teased squirming her lovely ass on the seat, obviously noticing the effect she had made on me. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Ann." "Why... thank you!" Just at that time both our stomachs growled in unison momentarily breaking the sexual tension in the air but not the hardness of my cock. We laughed together while I flicked on a light to look at my tourist map for a place, besides Winterset, where we could eat. I was hungry and felt like celebrating a little. I could always sleep in tomorrow. "You can put that map away." Ann suggested. "I know a place not quite an hour away that is open late and has some excellent food. I also know the chef." "Sounds good! Which way?" "That way, Cowboy!" and my sexy mother in law used her big tits to point east. We both laughed again and I drove off in search of food, thankful for the growing darkness of Madison County that would help hide my aching hard on that was silently begging for a blowjob. End-Ann on the Road-Part One-Old Baggage

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