Ann On The Road Pt. 02 by Haunting© Part Two: Adventures at the Inn The Inn of the Stub-Tailed Cat. We drove in silence for awhile, a silence interrupted occasionally by Ann giving me directions to the Inn. In spite of the day's outrageous events at the restaurant and the bridge, and in spite of the fact that I was happily married to Ann's daughter, when I looked at my mother in law in the dim light of the car's dashboard, all I really wanted to do was pull over and fuck her silly. Those thoughts and her delicate fragrance gave me a hard-on and I had to adjust my slacks for comfort. Ann noticed, of course, and instead of smiling, seemed, suddenly, more than a little irritated. "You fucking men! The sight of a little leg and the whiff of an old broad's perfume makes all your peckers rise." she huffed and pulled her short skirt farther down. "Well, excuse me, Mom," I said to deliberately irritate her even more. "You were the bitch in heat at the restaurant today begging for some male attention, were you not?" "Fuck you, Mark! That was...that was....oh, just forget it, you will never understand!" "Oh, I see....and I'll never understand your little charade at the bridge either?, you cunt!" I spat. "You were practically begging me to take charge of your hot little ass...which I did very well, by the way!" "Just drop it, why don't you? We are almost there." "Yeah? Well maybe I'll just skip this little place and head home...I'm suddenly not in the mood for any more of your delightful company." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ann raise her hand. "If that hand so much as even touches me, you'll be walking your hot little ass all the way home!" She froze and then slowly lowered her hand to her lap. "Fuck you, you asshole!" she whispered fiercely, glaring sullenly. My woody had faded in this surprising interplay but a dark thought now lept up in its place and I pulled over, stopped the car, and looked at my bitchy mother in law. "Ann?" "What?" "Look at me." "Aw, fuck you!" "I said...look at me!" I commanded. She shook her head at first but then slowly obeyed. "Swak! Swak!" I slapped her on both cheeks with hard stinging slaps. Her eyes opened wide in surprise but instead of attacking me, or running away, as a normal woman's response might have, she gasped and turned her head away and then just sat there, quietly holding her hands tightly in her lap. I, however, did not miss the fleeting expression of lust that had briefly contorted her face ending with a slight curl of her lips before she quickly contrived an appearance of contrition, including real tears. I thought so! Her sudden unexplained irritability was actually the ploy of a submissive for some "attention" from the one who is dominating her. "Ann." Silence. "Ann?" I said softly with no malice. "What?" she whispered still crying. "I can't do what you want without Becca's permission.....Do you understand?" "What the hell are you talking about? I just got a little out of hand and you slapped me. That's all it fuck you anyway!" "Swak!" I slapped her hard again. Her hands did not move but her knuckles tightened and whitened. Tears flowed more freely and, once more, the lust that swept over her features was unmistakable. This time I also noticed something else in her glistening eyes shedding large hot tears from their curled lashes, involuntary gratitude. I reached for her hands but she turned away. I took her by the shoulders and turned her back towards me and smiled. I loosened her hands from her lap and held them, looking calmly into her eyes when she finally raised her head. "I love my wife, Ann. Please understand me. You may not speak to me that way ever again without getting a harsh response even if it has to wait until we are alone. If you want more from me than that then Becca has to clearly understand and approve." "But this is so!" and my mother in law wept crocodile tears. "She'll go absolutely ballistic! You've seen her." I held Ann close until her weeping finally eased and soaking my shoulder in the process. "Well, I'll leave it up to you to be the one to tell her but you've got to admit that your relationship with her is a bit out on the edge anyway...just a bit." and she laughed and then kissed me on the neck patting my penis through my slacks. "OK, but can we still eat at the Inn? I'll be good, more than good. I promise I'll be the Date of the Year!" and she smothered my hands with kisses. "OK, OK! We'll go. Sheesh...take it easy!" "Thank you, thank you!" As I eased back onto the road Ann wiped away her tears and then turned her attentions to primping and fussing with her dissolved and smeared makeup...again. I noticed she spent quite some time with her rouge to match her slap-reddened cheeks. I loved to watch a woman do herself up and kept one eye on the road and one eye on Ann. She was a looker and I soon had another huge hard-on from the brief beaver shots that she was unintentionally beaming my way. She noticed this one too and spoke through the mane of hair dangling over her arm that she was brushing out. "Maybe we'll take care of that "little" problem later?! Did I ever confess that I am a true 'size queen'? I lost track of how many batteries I burned out thinking about your primal organ after that first night at my place!" she laughed and returned to her work finishing just as my car crunched into the Inn's gravely drive. I tried Becca on the cell phone one more time but my wife still wasn't home. "Ready?" "Ready, son." The Inn of the Three-Toed Cat was a recently refurbished Victorian mansion complete with onion-domed turrets, multicolored gingerbread trim, and a long wrap-around porch, complete with swings and deck chairs. The amply endowed hostess made sure to bend low and smile sweetly as she gathered our drink menus then led us into the dining room, her ass twitching slightly under her loose gingham skirt. Did I see a knowing wink directed at Ann just before our hostess, Cathy, turned? Probably not, I was just tired from the driving is all. "Bitch!" whispered Ann. "Aren't you all?" I whispered back and she pinched me hard on the biceps. The sexy hostess was no match for Ann though and there was simply no contest when my mother in law got it in gear. Ann was gorgeous all made up and her big ass was wrapped so tightly in that black miniskirt that it swayed like a metronome below her long shiny hair and bouncing jiggling tits. She radiated a sensual femininity that made all the men gasp so hard that they created a slight breeze in the room...just kidding but her ass in motion definitely beckoned to the wilder side of life. You could practically hear all the cocks in the room stand up and crow! Heads continued to lock on her and turn in progressive sequence as we were directed to our table in a dark corner by a large beveled glass window. "Your waiter is Paul and he will be with you momentarily." smiled our hostess and twitched away but the men ignored her and kept leering at my mother in law. "Do you ever get used to it?" I asked and opened my menu. "Get used to what?" "You know...the staring!" "Oh that!" she laughed and tossed her hair jiggling her big boobs some more, absolutely delighting the enthralled men in the room but only succeeding in irritating their women. "Fuck 'em!! Let 'em stare! Frankly, I love the attention! I am a bit of an exhibitionist, as you might remember." she smiled and winked slyly casually placing a hand on my thigh under the long linen tablecloth. We both laughed. Paul showed up then and noticed Ann's hand still in place and smiled and asked us what we would like to drink. "Long Island Tea." announced Ann. "Hmmm. The same." Almost instantaneously our drinks appeared, vanished, and were soon followed by another. The combined alcohol quickly relaxed us and soon we openly flirted as we chatted into the buzz. We didn't have to order our meal, as it turned out, because the Inn only serves one thing, grilled t-bone steaks with a preceding tossed salad and chocolate frosted brownies for dessert. I asked Ann about this curious singularity and she said simply, "Why mess with a good thing? And, besides, these brownies are the best in the state and only I have managed to attain the recipe." "Oh? How'd you manage that? Sleep with the owner?" I teased seriously. "Well...actually, it was the chef!" she winked naughtily and let her hand drift higher on my leg where she tickled my balls. I didn't move it away enjoying my mother in laws light caress. "One more?" said Paul appearing from nowhere. "Plenty here, thanks!" "Same here!" chimed Ann directly squeezing my balls as the waiter discreetly wrote on his pad. Alone again, Ann sat back in her chair and replaced her fingers on my crotch with the bare sole of her right foot. "Bet Becca hasn't ever done this with you!" she teased as her toes did a little dance. "Actually, she has, Ann, in our hometown Mom and Pop place." I replied and slid my hand up her leg to her knee and then her sleek thigh. The alcohol was doing its thing and I was getting a little tipsy, and horny. "It's about time you showed some active interest!" Ann said wriggling her ass closer and opening her legs so that I could reach higher. "I'm impressed with my daughter. She can still surprise me from time to time." "Yeah, and she wasn't drunk either." "Oh, I'm far from drunk and I don't need booze to do...this!" My mother in law quickly withdrew her foot and then slid her ass even farther forward giving me a quick damp feel before she slowly disappeared under the tablecloth. I quickly looked around the room but by now the other patrons had their attention on their dinner, not us. I felt Ann grip my zipper and slowly tug it downwards. Lifting the tablecloth slightly I watched my mother in law struggling to fish out my hard cock and then smile. "I almost forgot what a monster you pack!" she whispered in her high pitched voice and then attacked it with her mouth, trying her best to stuff all 10 inches in. I couldn't believe it and let the cloth fall back into place as she noisily sucked and gagged, jacked and licked me to a steely hardness. Our waiter showed up with some drinks at a nearby table pretending not to notice the lusty sounds of her hot blowjob coming from under our table. "Enjoy!" he said to the other guests but with a wink my way. He walked off grinning broadly. "Fuck, Ann! He almost saw us! They can hear you! And...your heels are sticking out from under the cloth!" I hissed reaching under the cloth, trying to prize her mouth loose. "POP!" was so loud as her lips slid free that I looked around to see if anyone heard us. No one seemed to notice and the couple near us, even if they had heard, remained carefully focused on their drinks, and their conversation. Ann gasped for breath briefly and then swallowed me again bobbing her head furiously up and down. I yanked her loose again and she laughed and then slowly returned to her seat with a delightful leering look of lust on her face dabbing at the corners of her mouth with her napkin. With some difficulty I tucked myself back in. We drank in silence for awhile until we both started laughing at our little secret. "You were just about ready to cum, you know." "I know! I know!" "I love a little hot cock cream for an appetizer!" she teased. "Bet my daughter never did that in a restaurant!" she laughed and returned her foot to my crotch. "Ah, no....she never has....not with me anyway..." and we laughed. With impeccable timing our food showed up and, good as the salad was, the steak was a treasure, seasoned and grilled to perfection and dripping flavorful juice with each bite. Ann and I relished each bite of the beef and then finished off our drinks while waiting for dessert. The owner appeared in the room cruising from table to table asking the diners if had enjoyed the meal. He soon showed up at ours and graciously kissed my mother in law's hand holding her gaze for a tad longer than was socially customary. "Ann, it has been quite awhile since you have come to see us. People have been asking about you. And who is this young man that you are trying to corrupt tonight?" he laughed patting my shoulder. My mother in law introduced us. At my request he sat down and told me how the Inn got its name. Turns out a stray feline showed up, limping, on their steps one brutally cold winter day, cowering in the lee of the wind. The owner's wife, Helen, took pity on the wretched animal and let it in. The cat sniffed at the open door for a moment and slowly walked in. Once in it looked them over closely, and assured of no danger, immediately turned and jumped up into the sunny bay window and lay there warming itself and licking its fur until it fell sound asleep. Their new cat slept there everyday all that winter. The owners had noticed that part of its tail was missing, presumably from frostbite, but who can tell? Well, the regulars at the Inn noticed the cat in residence, of course, and when they found out about its tail started referring to their place as the Inn of the Stub-Tailed Cat. The name stuck. While the owner continued to talk I felt my attention wander to some concern about my wife not being home and then to contemplations about her nonsensical jealousy of her mother. "Uh oh, I've bored your young date, Ann. Please forgive this old fool for talking too much." He got up and kissed Ann's hand again, said goodbye to me, and then moved on to other tables. "I'd better call Becca again...I'll be right back." "Would you just forget about her? I'm sure she is OK and, besides, here comes our waiter with our dessert. Wait until you taste these brownies!" "Well, OK....but then I must call her right after." The brownies looked luscious. They were coated with a thick chocolate demiglace and sprinkled with what looked like cinnamon. I tried a little taste of the frosting. Yes, it was cinnamon and....something else...and damn good! I took a bite of the brownie and then quickly devoured the rest. "Damn! That was excellent, Ann!" I enthused as my mother in law continued to eat away at hers, obviously relishing each little chocolatey morsel. "And what did I tell you? Absolutely the best brownies in Iowa!" "There was something in them I couldn't quite place, some spice that reminded me of....something...somewhere...Oh well, it was great! And the aftertaste is great too, it's still lingering on my tongue." "Yeah, these little wonders are renowned for their after-effect, er...I meant their taste. Quite remarkable!" "Well, I think it is time to head home. Today been fun, and wild, and weird, and delicious, but all good things have to come an end." I said carrying on some and started to feel a little dizzy, woozy... more like, and even numb around the lips. "I don't think I had that much to drink but maybe I did." I thought to myself and chuckled. Whatever the amount of alcohol I had imbibed I was definitely feeling more than a little randy right now and my mother in law was steadily looking more and more like a very feminine piece of ass ready to be sampled and devoured. The envy of the other men in the room still gawking at Ann was practically tangible. By the time the bill arrived in it's little black plastic credit card holder I was feeling almost giddy but wanted to hit the road anyway so I could get just home and screw my wife's brain out all night long! She wouldn't know what hit her but really wouldn't care after her second crashing orgasm on my dancing tongue. My aching cock was becoming a problem as we rose to pay the bill out front. Ann giggled when she noticed my predicament and maneuvered her sexy ass so she was pressing against me. Then we walked out that way. Her swaying ass just made the problem worse but thank god the dining room was almost empty. I fished for my wallet at the antique register while a smiling Ann held her position. Tearing my eyes away from Ann's ass I glanced out the window and noticed that the parking lot was still full. "Their cars are still here but where is everybody?" I asked the hostess catching a glimpse of Ann holding her finger to her lips, which she quickly hid, while I handed over a credit card. "Oh, after a big meal some of our guests just like to walk near the river or just stay the night in one of our rooms. How about you two? Need a room?" she winked with a leering smile noticing my mother in law slightly massaging my front with her big ass. "Not tonight, I've got to get home, to my wife." I hastily added. "Whatever you say, sir!" Outside, I expected the cool fresh air to immediately clear my head....but that wasn't the case. The Parking Lot We walked, staggered actually, separately this time, to my car. I had to lean on the hood to catch my breath. I felt like I was walking through mud and carrying a heavy load of bricks. "What the hell? I'm used to drinking so that's not it. Shit! And...what is that strange sound over there by the river? Almost sounds like a little ruckus." I said watching the stars wheel in the sky above the overhanging trees just before I became sick to my stomach. "Yeah, it's a ruckus alright!" Ann smirked under her breath but then spun around and retched into the unfortunate bushes beside us. "That should do it. Maybe I'll feel better now. You sick too, Ann? Maybe it was the food." "Well, it is probably the food but not in the way you are thinking." she managed, vomited again, and then started giggling. "What?...Ha, ha, ha, ha...." I joined in and couldn't stop. We sagged into the car and I fished out my phone to call and felt my head still spinning and a strange, yet familiar, warmth surge through my body while I tried to dial and then I tossed my cookies again out the open window. "What the hell?...Ha, ha, hee, ho...Oh No!!! Is this what I think it is??...ha, ha, ha!" Ann was doubled over with laughter beside me but stopped for a moment and just nodded her head. "Fuck me!...ha, ha, ha....those weren't just plain brownies were they?...ha, ha, ha..." "Hee, hee, hee, hee...." Ann tittered like a little school girl. "Hash....those were hash brownies...hee, hee, ho!" and I felt the first really strong rush of the night sweep over me. My mother in law just pointed at her nose and laughed, completely out of control. "Oh...oh...hee, hee, hash...and...and...hee, hee, hee!..." "Hee, ho, hah, ha....and what, Ann?...ha, ha, ha!..." "Just a tad" and she held up her thumb and finger together measuring an invisible something, "just a...hee, hee, hee...eansy tad of...hee, hee...opium!...Fuck!...hee, hee, hee, hee!..." We clung to each other as I managed to fish some mouthwash out of the glove box that I kept for traveling. We shared a big capful, laughing hilariously at our efforts to rinse and spit. I got a little on Ann's blouse and offered to clean it for her but when I slid a tissue over her rounded breasts I felt my laughter launch immediately into a powerful horniness. "Ann...I....Mom...I..." "Just go with the flow, Mark!" she urged sensing my state and suddenly was as serious as me sliding her slim hand into my pocket and around my stiffening cock. I put my hands on the neckline of her blouse and over her bra straps and then just tore them from her body. I felt half human as I pushed the remaining clinging shreds of lace aside and mauled her big knockers. Ann gasped in surprise but then rose to her knees and shoved her taut nipples into my face and started tearing at my trousers until she freed what she was looking for. "In the back, in the back, in the back" she whispered as I started kissing her hotly and fingering her under her skirt. She simply oozed hot pussy juice. I turned and tore open my door while Ann, very unladylike, dove into the back seat. I ripped open the back door and then dropped my pants to the ground and then tossed them into the front. The noise from the ruckus, or whatever the hell was happening by the river, was definitely growing louder. In the dim glow of the dome light I could see Ann openly leering at my cock and beckoning me with a finger of one hand while spreading her glistening nether lips with the other. I lept onto her splayed body and roughly jammed my cock home making us both stiffen and arch together, crying out. The drugs from the brownies were filling our minds as I filled her drooling cunt, over and over and over. "Harder....FUCK!....deeper....You're so FUCKING BIG!...right there.....don't stop....please don't stop!" Ann begged, fucking hard. When I latched onto a wildly waving nipple with sucking lips Ann blasted into her first orgasm. "OoooooOOOOoooooOOOOoooo...." she wailed like some wounded animal while her pussy spasmed deliciously around my punishing cock. I kept driving into her like some demented lecherous cock beast....fucking....fucking...fucking...fucking selfishly hard into her quivering jiggling body, male and female, hard cock and wet cunt, relishing the feel of my nuts sticking briefly to her lovely ass on each power stroke. She struggled and gasped breathlessly again and again as she quickly blew through two more orgasms with my lips still attached to the same sweating nipple, my cock still relentlessly savaging her tender pussy. I had to release the nipple or pass out so I let it go while Ann continued to impale herself, again and again and again, on my welcome invading steel. I grunted and gasped desperately for air while feeling myself really starting to slip over the sexual edge. Without permission I gripped one of her tits hard with my left hand making the soft flesh squeeze out between my rough fingers and while she groaned from that attack I grabbed her ass with the right and inserted my middle finger up her cunt-juice slickened asshole. "Fuuuucccckkkkkk!" my mother in law shrieked as she wrapped her arms and legs around me placing her feet on the ceiling for support. "Fuck me harder....harder...harder....deeper....shit!, shit!, SHIT!..." she blathered mindlessly while I pulled her onto my enormous cock and pounded the hell out of her swampy cunt stretched obscenely around my invading monster. The Lincoln filled with the scent of our lovemaking and the windows started to fog in the still cooling October night. As if detached from our desperate mating I watched Ann, beautiful sweating rutting Ann, blow into yet one more orgasm biting deep into my shoulder, trying to walk her jiggling feet yet higher along the ceiling of the Lincoln, even in the heights of her pleasure angling deliberately for the precise hammering of her g-spot under my fierce male assault. When I felt her teeth bite and bite deeper and saw her tiny foot creeping higher near my head while attaining some impossible position of lust, I could take no more. Urged on hotly by my partner, and the hashish, and the opium, I drove harder and faster at my exquisite gushing target making Ann cry out with each long stroke, as I strove mightily to pound even my balls into her receptive, and captive, cunt! We were really rocking this old car now! Any harder and it might just roll over! Someone walking through the parking lot to their car might see or hear us but I was now far beyond caring about anything except getting my rocks off in my mother in law. "Damn, Ann!....Fuck!....Shit!....Damn!..." "You're getting even harder,....longer....thicker!...." she panted and whimpered. Our foreheads bumped together as we both focused our eyes on our mating groins, excitedly staring at my wet, long, veined meat punching in and out of the open cunt beneath my mother in law's thick black tangle of hair. My invading finger was still buried tightly in her clinging ass. Then, with my triumphant cock buried to the hilt in her delighted oozing pussy, I felt the hash surging again and came inside of her, and came hard! "Grnnnnshhhhhaaarrrgggghhhhhsssssnnnnnnnnn!" I strangled out as I froze in place locking blurring eyes with Ann, who clamped our bodies together as she tightened her lovely legs tightly around me. Thick hot streams of lust blasted multitudes of determined sperm deep into her mysterious welcoming womb. I collapsed on top of her when I was done and gasped for air on her shoulder while she pulled my head close and kissed me over and over and over, murmuring the sweet nothings of sexual afterglow as my car continued to rock. I kissed her back when I could, drowning in her grateful eyes and sweet sensual French kisses. Wait a minute. Some logical thought was actually progressing through the haze of the drugs. "Wait a minute!" I said out loud against her luscious lips. "Yes?" she dreamily queried kissing my neck and shoulders with light little feather kisses. I, distractedly, kissed her back but now had an eye on the car beside us that seemed to be moving up and down but it wasn't the one moving. My car was the one moving. We were, somehow, still rocking! "What the hell?" "What?" she mused still lost in the glow, still kissing my sweating flesh, still gently squeezing my grateful cock with her satisfied pussy. "We are not alone!" "Oh? Who's here? ET?" she giggled and then kept on kissing me. I looked over the front seat and could see a naked couple on the hood fucking like rabbits, the young woman bent over with her tits flattened on the black metal and her lover hammering away behind her making her raised black ass ripple with each hard stroke. "Look!" "Oh...all right." and Ann struggled to look over the seat and then just laughed and calmly returned to her ministrations pulling me back down to her sweating breasts while flexing her pussy on my still embedded cock, making some more cum ooze out. "They must have had the dessert too!" she laughed and bit me playfully on the shoulder. "Ha, ha, ha...well...yeah...but it's my car, dammit! And, no doubt, they probably saw us going at it too!" "Relax, Cowboy! Oh, by the way, take a look behind us." and she playfully bit my neck and motioned with her eyes. I quickly looked over the back seat as my car continued to sway and saw another naked couple literally pasted against the rear window. She was flat on her back and he was above her, hands on either side of her lovely flesh rutting like there was no tomorrow. "OOOoooooOOOOooooOOOoooo!" she wailed through the thick striated glass in the throes of an obvious orgasm. "Gosh, she sounds kinda like me!" my mother in law joked and then circled my hanging scrotum with her thumb and finger making me groan and instinctively launch one last lingering stream of cum into her already flooded pussy. "Why, thank you, dear boy! What a nice compliment!" Ann whispered, naughtily wriggling her sexy sweaty hips. "Got any more?" We both laughed for awhile but, even with the hash and the opium, I was feeling more than a little self conscious and started feeling around for my pants. "There's absolutely nothing for you to worry about, hon... they know me here. Oh, by the way, take a closer look at the couple fucking on the hood!" she smirked. I tried to casually peer over the seat at the couple still fucking away. "And?....." "Look closer, the man behind her..." she said and flexed her pussy again making me groan with pleasure but I could shoot no more cum. "Nope...doesn't look..." "Picture a cap on him....a policeman's cap, Silly!...hee, hee..." she laughed and giggled. Then the lightbulb went off and I ducked quickly behind the seat. Ann held me to her boobs that were jiggling and wobbling to the motion of the old Lincoln and laughed and laughed. I finally, nervously, joined her for awhile, took another peek, and then dove for the safety of her rolling tits again. "Hell, I fucked him last year, right in this same parking lot! Hee, hee, hee!..." "You and" "You really didn't think that little thicket of bushes in the City Park could possibly hide this big old car, did you?" she laughed. "Just 'cause he is a small town cop doesn't mean he is stupid, or blind! Hee, hee, hee..." It finally dawned on me, through my drug-addled brain, that my mother in law was right and that there was no cause for alarm. Ann noticed the change in my demeanor right away and suggestively worked her hips trying to get me to fuck her again. My cock did start to wake up but then changed its mind and slowly slid from her pussy's slickened grip, inch by softening inch. "Damn!" spat Ann and started to look for her bra and top. I found my slacks draped over the gear shift and whipped them on almost catching my cock in the ratcheting teeth of the zipper. "Careful...careful! We definitely don't want to damage the goods!" my mother in law laughed finishing the zipping for me while still looking about for her clothes. She managed to tug her tight skirt back down into place, as the car continued to rock, while still casting her eyes about for bra. "Uh, Ann....Mom?" "Don't call me that! It makes me feel old, dammit!" she hissed at me, still looking. "I ripped your bra and your blouse when we were in the front seat... remember?...Sorry!" "Ohh my! That's right!....Hee, hee, hee, tee, hee!" she giggled so delightfully. "So now what?" I asked a little worried. "I told you that everything is OK here! What is the bare-assed local cop fucking his naked gal in public going to do....arrest me?" she laughed and pointed at the couple on the hood who had finally collapsed in spent pleasure. My mother in law grasped the fragments of her bra and blouse hanging from her shoulders and tried to tie them into a flimsy knot over her big swaying boobs but did not succeed. "Take a fucking break, would ya?" she yelled at the couple still fucking loudly against the rear window. As if on cue three long streams of cum arced past the splayed blond and painted the top of my window. The couple froze when they heard Ann and turned to look at us. "Thanks for stopping!" laughed Ann and finally managed to tie the shredded fragments of her garments in a loose knot over her magnificent tits, hiding absolutely nothing! There was a long pause and then we all just howled with laughter in the insanity of the moment. When I finally was able to stop laughing I experienced some momentary lucidity and realized our present reality. "I can't drive. We need a room." "No shit, Buckwheat!" "I'll call Becca from inside." "....Hmmmm....well....OK....if you feel like you must...." Ann said, smiling to herself. I opened the door and helped Ann step out from the rear seat of the car into a big round of applause, applause that started to grow in volume. I looked around us into a scene of unbelievable debauchery. The parking lot was still full of cars with everyone naked and engaging in some form of sexual intercourse, on cars, groups in cars, on the ground, even on the steps of the Inn! People took a brief break though when Ann stood up. Wolf whistles rang out, and more cheering too, as we ran the naked gauntlet of debauched decadence toward the Inn. We carefully stepped over the Asian couple fucking on the steps. At the entrance I gripped Ann's arm and demanded to know where the hell Becca was. Ann definitely seemed to know something. "Just relax. I'm sure she's just fine. By the way, she knew where I was bringing you tonight for supper because I told her." she confided in a mock whisper and then waved and bowed to the cheering crowd before disappearing inside. "Does Becca know what goes on here? What they serve? That we might have...might know!..." "Fucked? We already did fuck, with Becca's full knowledge and assent by the way. Oh yes! She knows all about the Inn, in detail! I make sure that I tell her all about my randier adventures, only leaving out the rare ones that involve my little personality quirk. Don't think she is quite ready for that one about her mother! By the way, Becca always gets quite bitchy, you know, before any arranged sexual event that involves me! Why do you think she was quite the little cunt when I met you and again last night?" she laughed and winked and then rang the bell on the desk for the hostess. While my very hot, and practically half naked, mother in law, Ann, rang the bell again and again I mused over what she had just said in the slowly fading haze of the hashish stone. Becca knew. My wife actually knew that we were coming here for dinner and that Ann and I would possibly, Shit!, most likely, get ridiculously high and then fuck! As this profound knowledge sank into my cortex I watched Ann give up on the bell, grab a heart-shaped key from behind the counter, and then smile and reach for my arm. Strolling arm in arm, hips bumping, we soon neared the wide hardwood staircase to the second floor of the Inn of the Stub-Tailed Cat and heard some muted sex sounds coming from under the stairs. Looking for their source we found a hidden closet under the staircase and slightly opened the door. Inside the chef and the hostess were really getting it on, completely lost in the heat of the moment. Ann smiled and softly started to close the door but then, with a wicked smile at me, pulled it wide open allowing the sounds of their frenzied copulation to flow out into the room. Ann leaned on me and took off her heels. Then we crept slowly up the stairs on tiptoe, laughing and whispering, a wonderful little climb that gave me a close up view of my mother in law's big ass just in front of me swaying rhythmically beneath her cascading black hair and huge jutting boobs. Upstairs at the Inn Whispering and giggling and again arm in arm we finally found our room at the very end of the hall. Above our room number the words "Honeymoon Suite" were spelled out in pink wooden letters. The door was left slightly ajar as was customary with some bed and breakfast places and other smaller hospitality hotels. "I swear I didn't know, Mark. I just grabbed a key, any key!" she blushed. "And, how the hell am I supposed to explain to my wife that I fucked her mother silly in the parking lot and then spent the night in the Inn's fucking Honeymoon Suite?" I winced at the grim prospect of that conversation. Ann just laughed and giggled sliding her hand back into my pants and gripped my grateful cock. "My!" she whispered and stood on her tip toes for a kiss on the lips. "He sure grows fast!" I laughed and grabbed her big ass and a big juicy tit and kissed her back finding her tongue searching for mine. My cock hardened in her warm grip and I found myself getting lost in the passionate kiss. The deeper we kissed the more my blood surged making the opium/hashish kick back in and I found my fingers searching for, and finding my mother in law's juicy cunt. "My!" she gasped into my mouth and then drove her tongue in deep while starting a slow jacking motion with her hand. I thought I heard something squeaking and looked up but Ann pulled my head back down. The door hinges squeaked again and this time I saw the door actually opening. At first I thought Ann was leaning against it but all of her weight remained pressed forward against me. Then the door slowly swung wide open and there stood my wife, completely naked, holding a small plate with a half eaten brownie on it, and she was smiling, at least until she discovered that my hand was in Ann's cookie jar and that her mother's hand was wrapped around my cock! "WHAT THE FUCK?!" She tossed the plate against the wall and lept at Ann grabbing big handfuls of hair and yanked her away from me. "What were you going to do? Fuck my husband right there in the hall? You were supposed to wait until we had him alone in the room!" she shouted while dragging her mother into the room and throwing her on the carpet. Ann jumped up. Her claws were out as she flung herself on her naked daughter snatching her daughter's hair trying to tear it loose. I came to my senses and jumped inside and slammed the door. I tried to separate the two biting scratching women but only received a deep scratch on my arm and a bite on my calf for my efforts. "Fuckin' bitches!" I shouted and roughly grabbed Becca and swung her loose. She lost a little hair in the process and Ann still came after her but I blocked my mother in law with my body taking another couple of scratches in the process. I held a struggling Becca with her arm behind her back and whipped the struggling Ann into a tight headlock. "Would you two just knock it off!" I demanded and sidestepped a kick to the shin. "Fuck you, Becca!" shouted her mother. "Back at ya, Cunt!" shouted Becca and tried lunging around me but I turned her away dragging Ann along for the ride. "Let me go!" Ann squealed, trying to bite my arm still clamped on her head. Becca managed to break loose for a second and clawed my side while she bit her mom right on the tit! Ann howled in pain until I pried Becca's mouth loose and slapped her, hard, on her bare ass. Claws out she wheeled on me as Ann sat down rubbing her breast. I decided that I had had more than fucking enough of these two bitches! I slapped Becca on both cheeks and she froze in shock. I grabbed her naked body and sat down on the pink heart shaped bed. Flinging her over my lap I started spanking her, hard! She unfroze and started struggling and cursing but I kept it up until she tamed and started to cry. With my sore hand upraised over Becca's naked sexy ass I turned toward Ann expecting to see her glaring at us, in pain from the bite, and maybe coming at Becca again. She was, indeed, still rubbing her tit, but was calming down and actually smiling at us. "What the fuck?" and I spanked Becca again but a little lighter this time. My wife had relaxed some, even with the crying, but then tensed up for a second with the last blow. Ann stood up and peeled off the shreds of her "top" and then shimmied out of her mini. I caught my breath and started to take stock of my own wounds which actually weren't too bad but hurt some. Ann came over and rubbed Becca's red butt and kissed the scratches on my arm that she had inflicted. Becca was no longer a problem but my blood was still up and I turned to Ann and smiled. She smiled back touching my face. "Smmaaackk!" I slapped her with a stinging slap and she snapped suddenly erect. "Smack!" I slapped her again and she retreated holding her cheeks. "Thud!" I dumped Becca on the floor and stood up, advancing on Ann. I grabbed her by her long tresses and slapped one of her hanging tits. "Swak!" "Don't! Please! Not in front of Becca!" my mother in law pleaded. "Swak!" I slapped her other tit and then let her go. "You will do exactly as I say! Becca doesn't know the rules...yet...but you sure as hell shut the fuck up, Mom!" Ann started to cry at the tone of my voice but stood still and slightly nodded her head. In her face I saw a mixture of fear and anxiety but also a barely disguised lust. "What rules? What do you mean?" said Becca now sitting up, rubbing her sore butt. "SHUT UP!" both Ann and I shouted in unison and then Ann hung her head in submission. "First, I want to know what the hell is going here! Did I hear correctly when Becca said you two planned together to get me in here? To do what?" I demanded pacing around the room as I questioned them. Ann followed exactly two steps behind with shame and embarrassment radiating from her flushed face. I noticed her following and then paraded her around the heart shaped bed past my gawking wife and into the sitting room. Becca peered around the door but quickly ducked aside as I walked her mother back into the bedroom. I stopped near Becca and so did Ann holding her distance, precisely. "Remove my belt." I calmly commanded Ann which she immediately did as Becca's eyes widened. "Assume the position, Ann." I directed. She immediately obeyed my command and bent over. My submissive mother in law grabbed her slim ankles putting her glorious ass on display. "Since neither of you two cunts chose to answer my questions about what is going on here, you deserve some punishment, Ann, for your actions as well as your daughter's!" "Yes sir!" barked Ann unable to hide the excitement in her voice. "What are you two doing?" asked Becca in disbelief. "Shut up, Becca!" commanded her mother and I in unison. "Ann. You will count, correctly, or you will be given extras! Do you understand me clearly?" "Yes!" "Snap!" the belt snapped across her stretched ass. "One!" gasped Ann with a quiver in her voice that I knew meant she was loving this humiliation in front of a witness, in front of her own daughter! "Snap!" a little harder this time. "Two!" Ann called out. I raised my hand again. "Knock, knock, knock, knock!" came from the door. "Snap!" went the leather belt and Ann winced. "Three!" she said while biting her lip but smiling and her beautiful green eyes slitting in pleasure. "Knock, knock, knock, knock! Open up!" "Fuck! What the hell do they want? Becca get the door. Ann, hold your position." Becca refused to move, shaking her head. She was still butt naked. "Ann, inform your daughter of her situation here." I directed. "Becca, just open the goddamn you are next! Understand?" Becca stood up a little uncertainly and advanced toward the door still rubbing her beautiful ass but eying me carefully while giving me a wide berth. It wasn't enough. "Snap!" I caught her ass with a stinging snap. Becca jumped and yelped in surprise. "Faster!" I commanded. "And no robe." I directed raising the belt again as she reached for one hanging from the door hooks. I was pretty sure, even with the quickly fading hashish stone, that I had taken the true measure of this "hospitality house" and that there would be no problem with our little scenario. "Knock, knock, knock!" "Open the door, Becca! It's OK." assured her mother. The door opened with Becca trying to shield her nakedness with the door. The look on her face was precious! "We've had some concern from the other guests. Is everything alright in here?" queried the local sheriff, his hat in place, but nothing else on. The hostess was also with him, nude and cowering at his side, a bit of drying cum stitched over her belly. "Sorry, Missy," he said to my wife, "but you really must open the door wide." Becca complied and tried to hide her pubic hair with one hand and her nipples with the other. I remained as I was, the only one fully clothed in this group with my leather belt in hand behind a furiously blushing Ann displaying the marks of punishment on her big ass. There was a long pause as he took in the situation. "Ann, are you alright in everything OK?" "Yes, Jack! Everything is just peachy!" she tried to joke but in her position it was difficult. I just looked at the sheriff and shrugged. "Well...if you say so...Are you sure?" "Dammit, Jack! If I say that we are OK then we are! You know that!" she spat feistily. "Well, try to keep it down a bit anyway. You three are kinda breaking the mood here in the Inn. Know what I mean?" "There won't be any more loud noise, officer...except for the occasional orgasm, or three!" I joked and snapped the belt, hard, on Ann's big luscious ass. "Four!" she squeaked in her wavering little girlie voice unable, however, to hide her pain and obvious pleasure. "Mother!" scolded her shocked and embarrassed daughter. "Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, ho!" laughed the sheriff and his date. "Ann, you always were the wild one! all have a good time at the Inn!" Becca apologized for any inconvenience, thanked them, and then quickly closed the door. "I have never been so fucking ashamed of you, angry...and you actually gave me the belt....they were naked too........" Becca continued to rant for awhile by the door while I just smiled and turned my attentions back to Ann still, admirably, holding her position and demeanor. "Ready, Ann dear?" "Ready, Sugar!" "You two are fucking NUTS!" my wife continued to fume and fuss. "Snap!" "Owwww....Fi...Fi...Five!" Ann stuttered out. I knew from experience that when a whipped or spanked woman starts to stutter like this under punishment that she is rapidly nearing her personal limit. "Snap!" "Shit!...Damn!!" Ann managed triumphantly, squirming her upraised ass back and forth and feeling the burn while still gripping her ankles tightly, relishing the exquisite pain she so secretly coveted. "We're done, Ann....You handled the local fuzz quite nicely, by the way." I complimented her while softly massaging her punished flesh. "You may stand now." "Thank you! Oh, thank you!" said my mother in law sincerely standing up, rubbing her butt, and smothering me with kisses. "You two are fucking CRAZY!" Becca cried out in anger and amazement which suddenly turned to tears. "I hate you both!" and she ran from the room. I grabbed her by the hair just as she reached the other doorway and dragged her, struggling and cussing, back to the bed. I flung her on it. I had a rock hard cock that wanted some relief. "Ann!" I commanded pointing to my tented pants. "Yes sir!" she husked and bent to her task of removing my slacks while I held the struggling Becca, her daughter, my wife. "And the shirt!" I directed and Ann pulled that quickly from my body leaving me naked with a big boner expectantly pointing at my equally naked wife. Becca's eyes widened still more and she struggled all the harder but I was too fast for my wife and opened her kicking legs letting her quickly feel the heat of my surging cock-head against her pussy lips, her wet pussy lips, her very very wet pussy lips! "No, no!" was Becca's fading verbal protest but her desperately horny body was now singing a very different tune. I shoved in deep and hard. When my cock finally bottomed out in her overheated cunt Becca cried out and flung her legs wide. I gripped her head and forced a kiss on her, lips that she held tightly closed. Still holding my cock buried in her pussy I wormed my tongue against her compressed lips and then past finding Becca's wet pointed tongue with my own. I could feel her beautiful curvy body starting to relax as we kissed so intimately and then I roughly grabbed her ass. The light lingering soreness from her brief spanking ignited a fire in her, as I knew it would, and she began a slow belly grind against me that made my balls swell and then tighten. I slowly withdrew, still kissing her, until only the tip was pressed against her pouting pussy and held my position. "Fuck that!" Becca wheezed around my probing tongue and grabbed my butt pulling me hard back inside her grunting like a sleazy whore as I bottomed out again. Becca was in heat and frantically humped her auburn-haired pussy against my belly picking up speed and passion. Ann sat beside us watching her daughter fuck against me while plowing her fingers in and out of her own pussy. "Fuck Ann's tight little hole!" Becca hoarsely whispered into my ear indulging her own secret fantasy. "Well, if you insist!" I whispered back and suddenly pulled completely out of my surprised wife. I grabbed her masturbating mother by her long black hair and threw her body down on top of my wife, face down. Ann knew just what to do. She raised her ass high giving me a clear shot at her glistening pussy and started eagerly French kissing her daughter. "Noooo!....Fuck me!....I'm so close...." cried Becca as I sunk into her gasping mother. I fucked Ann for a few strokes until Becca's squirming shook us loose. "Dammit, Becca....hold still!..." I commanded. Then I grabbed Becca's legs and pulled her up tight against her mother and fucked my cock back into my wife's sopping pussy. "Agggggghhhhhhhsssshhhhh!" gushed Becca against her mother's swinging tits in the first orgasm of the session, grinding her demanding pussy onto my invading cock, a pussy drooling with joy and hungry for my potent sperm! "Not yet....not yet..." I growled to myself as I fucked Becca through her peak. When she was done and gasping for breath I decided that now was the time for one of my deepest darkest fantasies to come true. While Becca was still coming off her peak I withdrew and pressed the tip of my cock against her puckered winking asshole. Lost in pleasure Becca accepted the first touch but as I started to probe deeper she objected and cried out in pain. I waited a few seconds and then tried again with the same result and Becca slapped my cock away. "Not there, you bastard! I told you before, not there! And certainly not with my mother watching! What the hell is the matter with you, you perv?" "Becca, dear...whatever is the matter with you?" joked Ann squirming her tits against Becca's and laughing. "He...he...wants to fuck me in the ass, the sicko!" "Is that all, my little slut? You let me fuck your little asshole, don't you?" "But Mark is huge! He'd tear me in two!" " Well, this!" Ann, the only true slut in the room, winked at me and then reached behind her and gripped her ass cheeks. She, indecorously, spread them wide giving me a clear view of her tight wrinkled little shitter. I almost came on the spot but held back. I readjusted my stance on the bed and positioned my purple head at her proffered opening. "What are you two doing? You can'''s...obscene!'ll never fucking manage!..." whispered my wife but, at the same time, craning her head up over her mother's shoulder for a closer look. "" mouthed Ann against Becca's stretched neck as my purple head plowed slowly past her tight threshold into her hot dark interior. "Oh YES!...." I pulled back out and slickened the tip of my prick with more of Becca's flowing pussy juice and some saliva and then slid deeper still inside her mother. "Oh, my!" grimaced Ann as I plunged deeper in her ass with each stroke. "You're hurting her!...Stop it!..." cried Becca as she held her mother tight but kept her fascinated eyes glued to our naughty anal coupling. I grunted as I bottomed out in Ann's ass and she finally released her awesome ass cheeks with a long sigh. Bending over I kissed her sweaty shoulders and didn't move giving her a couple of minutes to get used to my size. Then I began a slow steady rhythm, fucking in and out of her hot depths as Ann visibly relaxed. "Am I hurting you now, Ann?" I managed between clenched teeth. "Hell....fucking....NO!" cried Ann. "Don't stop....ohhh please don't ever stop!...I love it!...Love you!..." she begged and then started Frenching her wide eyed daughter. I pulled out until just the bloated tip rested against my mother in laws relaxed asshole, stretching the now loose pucker to a strained "O", and then slid easily back in, up to the hilt. Ann and I picked up the pace and soon she was laughing and crying beneath me as I relished a pleasure long denied me by my wife. Ann kissed her daughter fully on the mouth and then sucked on her nipples as I plowed deeper and deeper and harder and harder, now flattening her glorious willing ass with each powerful thrust. Ann broke her clinch with her daughter and arched her back, turning desperately to me for a hot tongue kiss while I fucked her faster rattling her teeth against mine. We panted and groaned into each other's mouths, lost in the consuming world of our frenzied ass fucking. Ann's abused hole now felt like squeezing delicious hot butter and the sensual delight of doing the nasty in front of her daughter soon had us cruising the edge of decadent forbidden pleasure...completely oblivious to Becca. "Its...been...way...tooo....long!..." Ann panted hoarsely into my mouth with intense gratitude. "Me...too...Ann..." I grunted between hard jolts to her big rippling ass. Becca started to finger herself underneath our wanton sexual dance and, through the haze of drugs and incestuous ass fucking, I felt her hand reach around our mating bodies and start caressing my cock and balls and then actually begin fingering her mother's hot purring pussy. "I don't...believe it.....You two...are!...I can actually're in her ass so deep....Oh, fuck her....fuck her hard..." whispered Becca and managed to capture one of her mother's sweaty swinging nipples with her pouty lips and sucked hard while she frigged her mother and herself. This added onslaught of pleasure proved too much for my straining mother in law and she skyrocketed over the top. "OooooOooooOooooOooooOoooooOooooo!" sang Ann in her girlish falsetto voice, her delirious passion crashing against the rocks of a forbidden love. Becca's probing fingers inside her mother's spasming pussy tickling my plunging cock in her mother's ass proved too much for my merely mortal willpower. "FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" I wailed and pulled out, pointing my nastily slickened cock at Ann's luscious curved back. The first jet of hot semen arced over Ann's head and caught Becca on the face. My alert little wife quickly popped her fingers out of her own cunt and grabbed my sack and milked my balls while I kept squirting. The second thick stream splashed into Ann's dark hair. "Shit!....Grrrshhhh.....NnnnnnNnnnggg!...." The rest fell on her back with the last glob of joy landing precisely on her itchy twitching asshole sliding slowly inside the stretched opening provoking a low moan from my mother in law. I grunted and groaned as Becca softly stroked my love muscle and caressed her mother's hanging tits. Finally spent, I collapsed onto Ann and then rolled aside. Ann was giggling in her afterglow and lay flat on her daughter putting her head on my chest, smothering me with grateful little kisses. Becca, however, wasn't quite finished yet and, with eyes glowing scooped up the cooling cum slowly sliding down her face and sucked it into her mouth. She then licked and sucked at the streaks on her mother's back, tickling her and making Ann giggle some more. I watched my wife's ministrations and noticed that she spent an especially long time on her mother's ass cleaning up my seed. Ann watched me watching her daughter and winked and smiled. "It's just a matter of time....a matter of time..." she whispered hotly into my ear and then kissed it with her full sensual lips. Becca spread her mother's furry pussy wide and dove her long tongue deep into Ann's soaked twat licking and sucking making Ann shriek with joy and cum again. Becca finally pulled her coated tongue free and pulled her mother to her. They looked deep into each other's eyes as my thick semen slid from Becca's mouth into Ann's. Very hot and very sexy! They kissed like long lost lovers and shared my sperm back and forth for awhile until the evidence of our wanton coupling had completely vanished. Watching them together gave me another hard-on which they both noticed and they both crawled over to me like two tigresses on the prowl. Mother and daughter licked and sucked and kissed each other around the shaft of my cock. "Go ahead, Mother." whispered my wife and winked at me. She then ran into the other room. "What the...?" I started but then relaxed into a new pleasure when Ann, unbelievably, deep throated me and milked my bulging cock-head buried deep in her throat. Ann's technique was flawless and she soon had me riding along the ragged edge, again! "This next part of the evening is a special little something my daughter and I have arranged for you, son, just for fun!" Ann giggled in her girlie voice and throated me again. My smiling wife had returned. She let me suck on her tits for awhile and squeeze her wet pussy. Becca then bent over my head and drew a black silk cloth, that had appeared from somewhere, over my eyes and tied it behind my head. Ann was expert at her craft. When my balls were tingling and I was just ready to blow she would back off and let me calm down and then, when I was relaxed enough, bring me back up to the sexual edge with more sucking and jacking. Becca, of course, joined in and they both tag teamed me for awhile, Becca sucking followed by Ann jacking, and vice versa. I knew my wife's technique by heart by now and she was quite good but definitely no match for her mother's experience, or lust! Even with my eyes now covered and closed I could tell which bitch was working on me. I lost track of the number of times that I came close to blowing my just felt so damn good! Then, I heard the hinges of the door squeaking as the door opened. "What? Who's there?" I groaned as Becca and Ann worked me to the verge of explosion, once more. The women didn't lose a beat, or their concentration, however, and soon I was on the down-slope again. Ann returned to her sucking and all of a sudden I just wanted to cum, and cum. To hell with whoever might be watching us! And, once more, Ann brought me to the edge and when I was just ready to cum...she stopped, she actually fucking stopped!! "FUCK! That's it, you cunts! I'll do it myself!" and I started jacking hard trying to fire balls were way past aching and I needed to cum! "Get him, Becca!" Mother and daughter immediately pounced, grabbing my hands away from my cock and balls and stretching them tightly out to my sides. Cursing, I struggled with them and almost broke free but couldn't quite shake them loose as they straddled my arms pressing their sweaty tits and wet pussies in tight. "Fuck! This isn't some fucking kinky sex game anymore, you two! Let me go or you both will get a taste of some real punishment!" I threatened. "Dammit! I want to CUM!!.....NOW!" They both giggled but kept their grips, tight! "Oh, you're going to cum, alright!" squeaked Ann straddling my arm with her dripping pussy. "Are you ready, Dear?" "Ready, Mother!" echoed Becca. Then, with both of them still tightly holding my arms I felt another pair of thick wet lips slide, giggling, over my softened prick sucking me gently in. "What the FUCK? Who the HELL are YOU??" I gasped out trying to raise my head and peer under my blindfold but Becca had done her work well. The strange mouth continued to service me and soon I was rock hard and suddenly beyond caring who was sucking on my cock now. "Feel good, honey?" cooed my mother in law in my ear and then mounted my face holding my head in close urging me wordlessly to tend to her fragrant drippy cunt, which I did. I had never eaten pussy while being sucked off by a strange woman. My finally freed hand found Ann's big boobs and while I squeezed her tits and sucked her slick cunt, as if mysteriously tuned into my anxiety, she released the blindfold. First, I saw Becca still holding my other arm. Becca smiled a leering smile and motioned with her eyes toward my crotch. I slowly turned my gaze toward whomever was noisily sucking on my cock. I had to crane my neck to see past Ann's beautifully toned and outstretched thigh. I held my breath for a second and focused. "Ha, Ha, ha! You beautiful wenches! Oh, FUCK!....She's good!...She's really DAMN GOOD!..." I laughed in relief as I saw the hostess of the Inn pause in her loving ministrations, look up, and then wink at me with her beautiful cornflower blue eyes. She smiled at me from around my grateful cock without missing a beat with her bobbing head. Her cheeks hollowed deeply with her intense cock-sucking efforts. I watched for a few moments until I felt my head, and mouth, being roughly pulled back to my mother in law's hungry pussy. Ann On The Road Pt. 02 by Haunting© "That's enough googly eyes for this local slut...tend to business, son!" she laughed but sounded a bit jealous. Becca relaxed her steady hold on my hand and then guided my tingling fingers to her cunt, sinking them in deep. She was absolutely drenched as she kept my hand in place and sidled over toward her mother. Becca and Ann locked mouths as I started to freak out a bit in this foursome, a sleeping man's wet dream and now, my reality! There was wet pussy everywhere making the room reek of sex. Ann and Becca's little, now openly, incestuous tangle added just the right spice to push this scene gently over the edge. The hot bitch of a hostess stopped her sucking and jumped on my cock, struggled for awhile to get me in, and then, wiggling, slid me up to the hilt in her damp hothouse. "Damn! He's HUGE!" groaned the hostess feeling her cunt stretch wider around my embedded monster than it had ever been stretched. "Oh...FUCK!..." I groaned into my horny mother in laws grinding pussy. Ann tasted so fine, her warm mother in law juice running freely over my probing tongue and into my mouth as I gasped for air. Becca had taken over control of my hand again and started plunging my fingers hard into her drooling opening while she moved from Ann's mouth to her wobbling nipples. This little row of dominoes didn't need much to topple them over as the stacked blond hostess really started to ride me hard, her big tits almost flopping into her face as she hunched and wiggled and slammed down hard. I felt my nuts start tingling and tightening beneath her ample bucking frame. Tits and ass were in glorious dazzling motion everywhere, cunts stretched and oozing, the pelvic slaps and groans of our furious fucking filling the room. My mother in law orgasmed first, gasping and panting, as she pulled me hard against her furry snatch flooding my mouth with her feminine champagne. The hostess kept at her furious riding until she blew next howling at the ceiling with her pussy clamping down hard on my outrageous plunging cock. She collapsed against Ann who shuddered again into another climax at the new contact. I felt like I was going to pass out and pulled my mouth free of Ann's cunt, desperately gasping for air. The hostess's ravaged pussy continued to spasm around my cock commanding my seed to madly rush from my straining balls questing deep inside her young body. "Fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkk!" I wailed as my toes curled and spurt after thick spurt shot into the hot eager depths of this randy little stranger. "Cum in her!....Cum in her!....Fill the bitch up!...." husked my wife into my ear while shamelessly using my fingers for her own personal dildo. The bitch of a hostess gasped as my hot seed painted her seething pussy. "Gggggrrrrrnnnnssshhhhnnnggggg!" I grated out as I came as I never had before, literally shaking as the last of my semen pulsed out. I panted and laughed with relief, and release. "Ahhhhhh!..." shrieked Becca as she finally exploded over the edge and then collapsed into the heap of bodies on the honeymoon bed. "Shhhllluuuurrrpppp!" I cried out when the inn's hostess quickly pulled free from my super sensitive cock. Becca immediately roused and jumped on my vacated meat stick relishing the feel of my cum and cunt-juice slickened 10 incher fucking deep into her own eager hot hole once more. The hostess came around the bed and mock curtsied making us all roar with laughter. "Damn, Becca!" I cursed as she came quickly, her squirming pussy deliciously urging yet another heated wad from my cock. The hostess of the inn smiled and then French kissed me. She turned and walked away wiggling her nice ass, jiggling her tits. Ann noticed me staring and slapped my face lightly, smiling and shaking her finger at me. "You'll pay for that later, Ann, will pay dearly!" "Promise?" she giggled naughtily into my ear and then raised her striped ass high and wiggled it, obscenely. "Mother!" chided Becca from her own rather indelicate position and then laughed too! At the door the hostess turned and waved. She blew me yet another kiss and then flicked off the light closing the door gently behind her. Becca felt like she was an integral part of me as she shimmied her sexy tits around on my sweaty chest and kissed my forehead, over and over, and over! Ann snuggled in close and I draped my arm over her lovely sleek hips feeling up her magnificent ass, one more time. Becca quieted quickly and then started to snore lightly. "She's great out of the gate but ain't much for stamina!" Ann quipped and we laughed and kissed like lovers kiss until Ann also fell asleep, murmuring gently to me from her sated dreams. Finally, still deeply embedded in my slumbering wife, I lay my head against my mother in law's rich mane. She had also started snoring lightly. With Becca's sleep sounds in one ear and her mother's in the other I smiled broadly, wriggled briefly into a more comfortable position inside my wife, and then drifted off into my own dreams, dreams that held a deliciously potent promise for the new dawn. * End of Ann on the Road_Part 2_Adventures at the Inn.

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